Q and A Saturday, Disadvantages of studying Astrology or Numerology

Both Astrology and Numerology are really good self-actualization tools.


The biggest disadvantage is the length of time it takes to study in order to do a reading.

The depth of knowledge and understanding required to do a basic astrology reading takes hours and hours … even if you could look up interpretations, it will take you weeks and weeks to get the basics of sun, moon and rising signs.

Look at all the placements!

Look at the symbols (glyphs) and houses, plus aspects (degrees)… I started taking notes on my own chart:

Numerology is not as complicated and I can teach someone how to do a reading in about 2 hours.

Here is a basic Numerology chart:

This is an example of a page from “Say YES to Who You Are to Create Fitness”, you can use to do an “Attributes” reading for someone. This is especially powerful for kids! Here is a link to calculate the life path in order to get the 2–5 numbers needed to discover attributes.

It does make a difference how you plan to apply this knowledge…. this could help to clarify an answer for you.

For example: If you want to make money doing readings, numerology could make you money sooner because of less study time. Numerology is less popular in some places so marketing takes extra effort.

If you want to empower yourself, numerology is much clearer to me. The book by Dan Millman on Life Purpose, is brilliant… no study needed!

If you want to dive deep into life lessons, how current energies effect you or want weekly updates then Astrology would be best choice.


You’ll find those in either choice you make so I’d like to add this:

Those who committed that these metaphysical approaches to self-actualization are a waste of time …..

Both Astrology and Numerology have been successfully and respectfully used for decades years.

Mostly I want to give all naysayers a big FU. The rate of suicide, drug use and prescription ’happy’ pills is absolutely insane… all which could be avoided if we heed Maslow’s advice. If you can afford $250 an hour for a psychiatrist or psychologist- great. At an average of 20 sessions and $5000 later, 50% of you will recover.

The latest research on Maslow’s 1943 Hierarchy of Needs was a 2021 study by Psychologist Ed Diener of U of Illinois which included 123 different countries. Summary: “The need’s described in Maslow’s theory appear to be universal…..the order in which they are met had little impact….” (Source: verwellmind.com)

Self-actualization is important. PERIOD.

If you need support or guidance and don’t have $5000 for therapy, you can actually get support for FREE. I’d highly recommend you have an Astrologer or Numerologist for guidance which starts at about $150 a reading. Just one reading can be studied and applied for months and years with great results!

Thanks for this question!

Love and Light,


Intuitive Healer

Reiki Byosen Scan by Intuitive Healer Tricia Gunberg

Confirmed by Willian Lee Rand and a decade of studying healing modalities, my experiences prove the Byosen energy scan gives helpful feedback on energy in the body. While scanning the body with the hands, areas requiring attention, will stand out. The purpose for the scan is a to find where healing is needed most.

Byosen Energy Scans

Bysen Energy Scan using reiki with Intuitive Healer Tricia Gunberg

My Experience

Applying the scan method started shortly after my first Reiki level 1 attunement. My training had not included scanning, my training had involved a very specific set of hand placements, performed in order both on the front of the body and back of the body. It dawned on me to use the scan as a method when I was creating an author workshop in Hawaii 2015.

Consciously working with my intuitive abilities during healings lead me to pay regard to a "signal" which would guide me to apply reiki in a specific area of the body. As I went from hand placement to hand placement, the signal would also tell me how long to keep my hands there. From my very first reiki healing, I understood the area itself had meaning. Making the connection to Louis Hay's body of work, specifically; "You Can Heal Yourself", helped me understand the body-mind connection. I immediately attached it to my understanding of numerology by using a clients' diagnosis.

As my intuitive abilities increased (practice and my next level attunement), my empathic abilities kicked in and I soon had more information to offer in regards to the 'hits' I was getting. Understanding how much time it would take in a session to do all the hand placements AND interpret the information, I began doing an initial scan, jotting down my findings, delving into each one and clearing them. My sessions include clients participation in both the interpretation and clearing of the energy as I am just the conduit.

It wasn't until 2020 that I learned that this 'scan' method was an intended purposeful thing to do. In March of 2020, my Reiki Master Art Kuhns, gave me a copy of Rands Reiki Master handbook to study when he conducted my Reiki Master attunement. In reading this book, I learned Rand had the idea to scan clients back in 1980. He refers to it as a ‘Byosen Scan’ (page 57 of Level I and II of The Healing Touch handbook).

Low and behold- further study of reiki's history, I've discovered that the intensive and rather expensive ($10,000) training included the intuitive piece... the scanning of the body to discover where the reiki needed to be applied and for how long. At some point, some students were unable to do this intuitive piece and the hand placements were developed!

Combining all of this information: the signal, the body part, body-mind connection and the numerology interpretation of it, incredible insight was gained. Which leads to greater healing because of understanding the spiritual aspect of illnesses.

What is a Byosen Scan?

So what exactly is this byosen scan? Fun fact: Rand might have come into scanning naturally, as I had, but it was part of reiki healing from the start!

Energy Scan Map by Intuitive Healer Tricia Gunberg

Using reiki energy and a few main areas of the body, I use my intuitive abilities to detect areas that need attention. Following an intuitive signal, sometimes accompanied with empathic information, I write down the information I'm receiving on a body map. The next step is to discuss and clear these areas with the clients. Fun fact; these scans can be successful at a distance!

Using the Byosen scan has become incredibly useful to both my clients and myself, in so many ways. This journey of healing and using my intuition has been so inspiring. I highly encourage to learn more if it resonates with you in anyway. This 7 Universal Year could be calling you to investigate and meditate on all things metaphysical! See the FREE link below ….. if I can get it to load (thought Mercury was out of retro!?)

Want to increase your intuitive abilities?

Enjoy this FREE workshop. (Insert link) You can even book a private session with me for one on one instruction.

If you would like to experience a Byosen Scan yourself or have questions, please visit The Wellness Lounge or book an appointment with me with an email or click on calendar below. You can also post a question below or follow me on Instagram (Gunberg-Tricia) and comment there.

Special Offers at The Wellness Lounge

The practitioners at The Wellness Lounge are committed to keeping services and treatments affordable.
Each Wednesday offers a variety of options. For up-to-date schedule, follow us on Instagram or Facebook

Making wellness affordable, is our mission.
— Jena Baird

Scan the QR code for calendar options.

Services are by donation on Wednesdays and I will offer the following Reiki package:

Reiki- 5 sessions for $200
Sale Price:$200.00 Original Price:$312.00

One 40 minute session with a Byosen Scan and interpretation and four 20 minute follow up Reiki Healing Sessions over two-week period.

Add To Cart

Stop by 1329 Soring Street on a Wednesday, 11am-1 or 5pm-8
For a schedule of the practitioners, please send me an email or DM me at my Instagram page.

Love and Light,


Wellness Wednesday at The Wellness Lounge

Special Offers at The Wellness Lounge

The practitioners at The Wellness Lounge are committed to keeping services and treatments affordable.

Each Wednesday offers a variety of options. For up-to-date schedule, follow us on Instagram or Facebook

Making wellness affordable, is our mission.
— Jena Baird

Services are by donation on Wednesdays and I will offer the following Reiki package:

Reiki- 5 sessions for $200
Sale Price:$200.00 Original Price:$312.00

One 40 minute session with a Byosen Scan and interpretation and four 20 minute follow up Reiki Healing Sessions over two-week period.

Add To Cart

Stop by 1329 Soring Street on a Wednesday, 11am-1 or 5pm-8
For a schedule of the practitioners, please send me an email or DM me at my Instagram page.

Love and Light,


What's New and Energy of 2023 with Tricia Gunberg

While the Universal Energy of 2023 is a 7, which provides us the energies to go with-in, be quiet and introspective, I’ve been caught up in the energy of newness!

Lots of new things going on in this neck of the woods. Stands to reason because I am midway through my 1 Personal Year.

The most exciting… what what can be more exciting then becoming a grandmother for the first time? That happened March of 2022….. that is hard to beat. However, in my professional life I have been invited to be part of a Wellness Center in Paso Robles, CA

For me, spirituality and wellness are profoundly connected, especially where my mental health is concerned. As we head into the Age of Aquarius, having a deeper connection to source (whatever you call it) will help.

Usher in a space to be introspective…. (as I said, Universal Energy of 2023 is a 7 and we need to connect to or creator and our higher self.)

Beyond exciting, one of my NEW business opportunities also provides a space to be introspective! The Wellness Lounge, as it is called, has twelve practitioners and over 30 services. I am one of the practitioners but the space its self is a great space to hang out and get the quiet time I need.

Dharma Yoga Loft expanded its space and offers retail wellness items, a book nook and a crazy comfy place to meditate. All this and a place to get affordable wellness services. You can read more about it here.

On Wednesdays we gather (practitioners) at the Lounge and offer introductory services to anyone who’d like to experience a new wellness approach.

I can contribute most of my Spiritual progress to Numerology so it is easy for me to say that it has contributed to my personal wellness journey. Being able to explain this to others face to face has been invigorating!

During one of the first readings I offered at the Wellness Wednesday gathering, I suggested to a new client that she write and find an outlet for her writing. She smiled at me, this Life Path 3. “Oh, yes writing, I love to write …..” .The rest of the session went well and she sent me this lovely POEM a few days later!!!!

For it is those

For it is those who breathe into the oneness of silence that can listen to the whispers of the souls messages…

The Goddess Within

She illuminates the room with her presents alone…

She receives smiles and feels their connection along the streets and wherever she goes..

She shares herself without giving away her power..


She is connected to the Holy Spirit, to her soul, to her goddess within, to God.

Like a tree

She becomes grounded by sinking herself into the deep roots of mother Earth and anchoring herself within the energy of solid ground.

As she becomes steady she releases…

It is then the divine oneness starts to unfold within her


The way to become more is through the practice of connecting to your higher self… For that is where the powerful silence of the soul hold space for you… To grow and expand


It would be so awesome if you could meet me in person at the Wellness Lounge, but if not, know that I am still here for you even though I have gotten a little bit busier.

I’ll be making a new intro video but in the meantime, take a look a the one below. I have been posting more regularly on Instagram so check me out gunberg_tricia at IG if you haven’t yet.

Hope you are able to get to know yourself better this year and get extra quiet time and self care in - you are worth it!

Intuitive Healer and Author, Tricia Gunberg

Hello! As I get further into saying yes to who I am I like to share where I am on my journey. Struggles with weight and depression sent me on this journey over a decade ago. Numerology has been mostly responsible for my successes and has kept me on the spiritual path.

Love and Light,
