Are You on This Earth to Heal Others?

No matter where you are on the age spectrum, you could be wondering what your life purpose is or you could be wondering if it includes healing.

I believe we all have the responsibility to be of service….. in what way is completely different for all of us. A person could enjoy making a living by administrating colonics and another could be good with picking up your curb side trash. Both are being of service to you by helping you get rid of waste …. personally would not want either of those jobs.

So, if you think being of service to humanity in the healing capacity, read on.

The life path numbers which are most included to this healing business are the 2’s and Master Life Path number 33. The 7 Life Path is of the spiritual nature and could be included as well.

The life path 33 is an interesting one. So creative. So sensitive. This path needs escape, this could be the reason for many wrong choices or indulging in things that do not serve. It is to escape the swirling desire inside. This desire could be to heal others or themselves. Those that indulge in creative pursuits will have an Reiki Intuitive Readings time of it. Those who avoid feelings will have a tougher time of it.

So how do you know if you should indeed go down the path of the healer? Understand that no decisions need to made at present. By experiencing things and understanding how you feel about them is the way.

The way of the life path 33 is that of the Master Healer. Shall they all set up shop as a reiki master? Well, no and yes. It might serve them to have an attunment and flow the healing energy to themselves, thus uplifting humanity. The ritual of a healing modality would serve them as well.

As I have told several Life Paths 33’s - they heal just by showing up. This sounds simple, almost brainless… however there is a lot about ‘showing up’ that is implied here. First they must show of for themselves. Offering all the basic needs; sleep, rest, low stress, fitness, meditation.

The simple act of showing up for themselves will be of great value. BUT it might not be so easy. The three energy is sensitive, maybe more so then the ‘feeling’ sensitive of the twos. This raging river of sensitivity is hard to manage. Find support if you need support.

Directory to find healers in your area:

Dharma Yoga Loft and Wellness Center practitioner list

Mind Body Spirit

Love and Light, Tricia

AstroNumerology..... How can you use your charts?

My Life Path number 37/10 found spray painted on a construction screen!

I was recently asked on Quora about how to use your chart. Whether it is a Numerology chart or an Astrology chart, this is a really good question. I currently post charts and interpretations of them on Instagram.

I believe all these metaphysical tools are to help us become the best versions of ourselves and it starts with simply saying YES to who you are! Oh and ya gatta be open to doing the work. Here is the most recent example… as the #fullmooninaries begins as I type, this ‘self’ awareness is sooooo good!

Hey Baby what’s your Life Path?

My healthy escape is waking and yesterday (Oct7) I really needed it. I added meditation/mindfulness to my outing because I was feeling a bit stressed.

First I made a list of what I ‘know’:
~I’m gunna have to let somethings go this year [ #9personalyearcycle
~I must stay inline with my uniqueness [ #lifepath1 ]
~Heads up on ‘Wounded Healer’ energy. [This makes me a bit apprehensive].


Numerology & Astrology Carts

Astrology chart from Abbie Coe

As I crossed the street, I came in DIRECT contact with a spray painted sign ….

“ 3710 “

I shit you not, I took a pic cuz I was so surprised at this clear and direct message. I had gotten 4 repeated numbers (see snap shot above) this day which gave me even more clarity because the 1 and 3 was #repeadednumbers .

….#danmillman … on #lifepath3710

“ to work through issues of creativity while learning to trust the wise and beautiful spirit in themselves and others, and apply their inner gifts to create more harmony in the world.”

Next I considered the current energies:

#fullmooninaries which
guides me to be….a

I really appreciate this guidance from numbers and the planets , not to mention my intuition! (help with following your intuition here ) it keeps me grounded and sane. If you’re interested in a Astronumerology chart for guidance or your complete Numerology check out my services page.
Love and Light and…
Special thanks to @abbiecoeastro for my Astrology chart and notes on #aries because as a Life Path 1, I need to embrace:
my ‘warrior’ ,
my ‘pioneer’ and
my ‘daredevil’ spirit

I am a MINDFUL Warrior


Click on the Numerology chart here for a FREE DIY numerology workbook.

DIY! Calculate the energy of any word.

Love and Light,


February Energy 2022 with Tricia Gunberg, using Numerology and Astrology to guide us

Using Astrology and Numerology the energy feeling I received for 2022 is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. (Video message at bottom of post.) February will be interesting as will the next two years. Understanding what is to come helps, as does knowing your own energy through numerology and astrology.

January carried the energy of the number 7 (1 +2+0+2+2=7) which I translated as Spiritual Love energy. This interpretation was very valuable for our Thoughtful Thursday group as well as for myself. It birthed a series of “Show ME Love” posts on my IG page.

February, adding to an 8 (2+2+0+2+2) …. not to mention, a boat load of two energy!…… the magic that is eight:





While looking at the energy that is in play; The Age of Aquarius, The Year of the Tiger … Oh! the US Pluto Return !!! We will need to focus on our own power. Aquarius and Pluto ask us to support Humanity and allow justice for all. This is where the 8 can support us this year. We would do well to understand the difference between “Power vs Force” .

My request for the Universe (and my creator) to show me love, the book “7 Spiritual Laws of Success” by Deepak Chopra found me. YEP!!! working the energy of the spiritual 7 in January brought me a book with a 7 in the title! Not only that but the word success is prime for this month of the 8 energy.

Feels like an opportunity for SUCCESS….. doesn’t it? There is a paragraph in Chopra’s book, inviting people to do a book study. Another suggestion was to take a Spiritual Law each day of the week and meditate on it. Our Thoughtful Thursday group had studied the Spiritual Laws as pertaining to our life path numerology and really enjoyed the messages and guidance.

I was mulling this idea over and while reviewing the energy of the Pluto Return in the United States (Or united States of America) in the second house on 2/22/2022 (insert explosion) . Pluto is about transforming shadow energy and it will be in the second house of money, property, security and values.

Ummm, unless you have been under a rock, you can see the issues that the US has with all of those 2nd house things. The United States is in for an overhaul and if Pluto does the job that is predicted ( bring back the energy of the united States of America from 248 years ago…. you will not recognize what is happening unless you have educated yourself on what has gone askew since 1776.

I am not making any predictions but it is clear to me that we need to focus on what success means to us. To focus on what we love and value …. (ummm I hope it is not money, you could be in a world of hurt). What if the last two years was just a taste of what Pluto has to offer? How did you fair these last 2 years? Did you focus on what you love and value or did you push it all away out of fear?

I’m guilty of pushing things, opportunities and people aways over the last few years… I’m equally guilty of findings things I love and value and understanding manifestation better. I’d like to continue and expand on the 8 energy with a focus on SUCCESS.

Further encouraged by the Tiger

And so…. the Tiger has encouraged me to JUMP …..

Our Thoughtful Thursdays will be getting an overhaul. We will have Ashram hours from 4:30PM-5PM then we will be doing a Study Group on “7 Spiritual Laws of Success”. I hope you will join us. We will attempt to do Facebook live so the videos can stay in the thread to encourage conversation and Q&A.

If you would like to join our meditation group, please make a donation or pay for the entrie year with the payment tab below.


More support to help you create your best reality…… Thoughtful Thursdays in person (Atascadero, CA) or via Facebook live for the Spring of 2022!. Please donate if you would like to participate.

Love and Light,


Energy 2022 with Tricia Gunberg, using Numerology and Astrology to guide us

Using Astrology and Numerology the energy feeling I received for 2022 is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Let’s use love to guide us this year. Love is a verb. We can put into action to create a reality that serves us best.

Here is my recorded message for 2022:

More support to help you create your best reality…… Thoughtful Thursdays in person (Atascadero, CA) or via Zoom. Please donate if you would like to participate. Donation button for any amount below or click on Meditation Events for 26 weeks or one Zoom.

Love and Light,
