#TBT Updated "H" is for Hearts Desire

The ABC’s of your 123’s
H is for Heart’s Desire
Using Name Numerology to Discover Your Heart’s Desire

Hearts Desire art by Tricia Gunberg.jpg

Why is knowing your Hearts Desire important? Why is any self-actualization important? Where did the quote ‘ Know thy self’ come from?

I didn’t start asking these questions until after I discovered the beauty of knowing myself better. I ask them now in attempt to get you to listen. Not only listen to what I have to say on the matter but actually be motivated to learn something about yourself.

If you don’t know yourself, you are in a heap of trouble. This is what meditation is about. The idea that you sit and clear you mind in an attempt to ‘quiet’ is a bit funny to me. Be quiet so you can hear yourself! Do you understand what you really are doing is making room and creating awareness for the ability to hear yourself?

The thoughts that you think may not be your own….

How would you know this?
1) by mindfulness and or meditation

2) knowing yourself

Both of these are what I call ‘mindfulness’. When you cut through the crap, or the monkey mind some people call it -there is something else-

your kind supportive self .

You are kind.

But your beautiful thoughts get blasted away by all the stimulation you allow yourself receive.

My work is to help people say yes to who they are and I am both baffled and find glory in the readings I do because people do not understand the most simple things about themselves. This becomes glorious when I share it with them and their eyes light up with recognition and once the truth sets in, it creates a fire!

See this text I was recently sent:

beautiful text Review Tricia Gunberg 2020.jpg

Oh! To give some one the gift of knowing themselves! Here is your chance to know yourself a bit better.

We will learn how to calculate your Hearts Desire and you will get a brief interpretation of your own heart’s desire. First, I encourage you to make room. Room to allow this new thing. Room to let it be. Room to let it grow.

 To make room for your Heart’s Desire it would be a good idea to consider letting go of somethings.

Here are some ideas: 

Let go of  sarcasm and say what you mean.
Let go of one thing that is not good for your body.
Let go of using angry words at pets or children.
Let go of being in a hurry.
Let go of consuming violence: in news, in movies, in games or hobbies.
How do we let go of some of this stuff?

Okay, now it is time to get positive, some of that stuff I listed just goes away without much effort just by:

being mindful

setting intentions

day dreaming

I believe very much in the law of attraction. You know ‘birds of a feather’. If you want to create more love, peace and harmony, it needs to expand off you. This is a potent time for such attraction as the year 2018 is about illuminating. A light will be shown on areas of your life you will need to attend to. Taking a few moments to cast your heart’s desire will go a long way to set the tone.

If you already know what type of things you desire, take a few moments, right now to write them down. What does the world look like to you? What does your employment feel like? How do you enjoy your time? If you would like some help or would like to expand on your thoughts…THINK BIG, like beyond your wildest dreams. This is where it helps to look at your numerology, to help you think big. Your Hearts Desire number more specifically, also known as the Soul’s Urge or Motivation number describes how you make decisions and the way you act.


To find your Heart’s Desire, add all the vowels in your full name down to a single digit. (This is numerology, the concept that numbers have meaning.) It is fun to see the different energy that is created when you do your birth name and a name change. For instance, my Heart’s Desire went from an 8 energy to an 11 energy when I took my husband’s last name in 2007. I didn’t know this at the time but, I am glad I made the name change. “Visionary who wants to be surrounded by like people” is the 11 energy and it truly is my new heart’s desire.

Here is the conversion chart: Write the vowels in your name, use the number next to it.
I would mark I, I, A  and E, I, A, E and U, E then add:
First name 9+9+1= 19
Middle name 5+9+1+5= 20
Last name 3+5=8

Together 19+20+8=47

We add it again


1 A J S

2 B K T

3 C L U

4 D M V

5 E N W

6 F O X

7 G P Y

8 H Q Z

9 I R

Use this chart to find the energy of your name (Heart’s Desire)

Now that you have your Hearts Desire number, look below for the energy of the single digit. If you have my book “Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness” the word list for each number starts on page 8 (Amazon eBook for only $3.99). You can also schedule a reading with me and I give you free copies of all the pages you need.

                                                                  HEART’S DESIRE NUMEROLOGY
1 wants to be a leader and is ambitious

2 craves love and understanding, prefers to be in partnerships

3 loves an audience, many friends and to be surrounded by beauty

4 needs structure, order and rules, wants to work to help others

5 must have variety, personal freedom, and new opportunities

6 desires to create harmony and family, to right all wrongs

7 wants to dream and meditate, upset by noise, menial work, physical discomfort and confusion

8 desires big business, getting things done

9 requires knowledge, wants to teach, counsel and serve humanity


May you make room for your Heart’s Desire and allow it space to grow.

Love and Light,

Q and A Saturday: Question from Quora ~ What does my Numerology Predict? ~

What can numerology predict anything for this birth date? August 24, 1969, I predict you are going to read this and Say YES to who you are 😉!

Welcome to the best decade of your life😁. I am 20 days older then you so you need to listen to your elders! Bahaha! When I add all the digits of your birthday I get a 39. We add it again to get a 12 and once more to get a 3. Your Health and Wellness Path Number is: 39/12/3. For more on Life Path numbers go to my blog post L is for Life Path.

(Month) + (Day) + (Year) = _____

 ( ___ +___ ) + ( ___ +___ ) +  ( ___ +___ +  ___ +___ )    =  ___

  ____ + ___ = ____

As a 39/12/3 Life Path- I hope you have experienced your creative expression (3) and found some way to be ‘on the stage or on the page’. Your humanitarian (9) efforts have found some place in your life by now.

9 Numerology Health and Wellness by Tricia Gunberg check size.png

The 9 repeats in your Personal Year number; this year (2020) is about letting go which will make room for new exciting things next year. To discover your personal year go to my blog page P is for Personal Year.

39/12/3 Health and Wellness*Life Path

You have three 3’s….oh goodness, and a 1! If you’re not expressing all of this creative energy, you’re in trouble. This energy stuck in the body (Where the hell is it going to go if you’re not using it?) causes havoc. Often it’s trapped in the hips, causing misalignment in your knees and back. Stretching your hips and loving on them with massage is mandatory. Here is a bit more:

3 Health and Wellness Path

Expressive movement suits you best, like Zumba or interpretive dance. Find inspiring energetic music or write your own. Chose music to mirror your current feelings and move with it. Consider teaching, leading or creating a fitness class. Your creativity and enthusiasm alone make you qualified for such an endeavor. A few places you can shine: MeetUp.com, Baby and Me fitness club, or neighborhood park. Share the price of a babysitter with a group of friends and workout at the park.

Threes are sometimes competitive, with an internal need to show others what you can do. This is good for somethings, but not for your overall physical fitness. In general, playing a game such as golf, volleyball or bowling should not count as exercise, it will not be enough. Moving each day in the manner of your mood, will be very helpful. If you are signed up for a game, requiring you to run back and forth and it is a day you would rather dance, this outlet will not help. You need to stay in-tuned to the yearnings of your body, listen to it and do as it asks. Some days your body will only ask to be stretched, some days it will need to run a marathon. Well, not an actual marathon, but it may need to extend itself past preconceived limits, for emotional energies can be trapped and need to be pounded out. If you get the feeling “Oh I need to go for a run,” do it. Wear good shoes and run as much as you can tolerate. Stretch well afterwards and take a bath or get a massage. Your body needs you to listen to it, it has much more good information for you if you do.

Once a routine of 4-5 days a week for a month has been accomplished, you can begin to limit foods. No single food (sweet, salty, savory) is usually the culprit. Most of all, threes like to eat. This is good as it creates a good relationship with food. What you need to do is consider where food comes from and what work went into producing it and getting it to you. When you understand most meals do not “grow on trees” you will have a greater respect for what is on the plate. Participating in the process of a meal fully helps you will realize, a great amount of energy went into its preparation, thus forging the respect even further.

If you want to cut down on how much you eat or change what choices are made, it is best to become more involved with the process. Learn more about food in general by reading packages. If you do not recognize a word on the ingredient list, look it up. If you make it a rule never to eat anything you do not recognize, you will never have to worry about weight. When you tire of reading packages, your food choices will be fresh fruits and veggies…beautiful.

Threes occasionally need to do a cleanse. Not the crazy “no food for days on end” type of cleanse, but a gentle one. It can be a juice cleanse or a water fast, but only for a day or two. This will help you respect food and what it does for your body. It will also give your system a much needed break. Flushing the body with pure water is good, adding a little lemon is even better. There are many great websites by doctors and nutritionist with good guidelines. Or consult with a qualified doctor to make the best choice. If you check in with your own doctor, and are advised against it, find another doctor who supports you.

To find out more about attributes go to A is for Attributes. I also predict that you will seek time for introspection this year. This question you posted is part of this energy. (Forth Turning Point =7) You will pull away from others, spend more time in meditation and to study the deeper meanings of life. Let your family and dearest friends know this so they don’t worry. You are so social they will think you have lost your mind when really you’re beginning to explore it. It will help you figure out the 9 business above as well as the 1. I’m so excited for you!

*from ‘Say YES to Who You Are to Create Fitness’

Love and Light,


#TBT Updated "G is for Guidance"

The ABC’s of your 123’s

G is for Guidance

By Intuitive Healer Tricia Gunberg

Using Numerology to Guide us in 2020

The Universal Energy of 2020 is ‘clear vision’. We get deep into the meaning of 2020 in my blog post ‘2020 Spiritual Energy’. Not only how we view things but seeing things with new clarity. Currently the world is looking at a lot of things differently. It may have inspired you to look inside yourself for answers.

Since accepting, then working with, my intuitive gifts, my life works differently. There is an ease and grace about it sometimes, it’s just magical. As I was editing this post, a “How to Develop Your Psychic Gifts” by Joanna Miller popped up on my Facebook feed. Joanne nailed it and I could not possibly explain it any better. It inspired me to offer you insights as to how YOUR gifts might appear.

I could talk/write for a month about my abilities. My X is for Xray discusses it more. and since you have access to all of that here, YouTube and Facebook, I’ll share other people’s stories in hopes of offering some clarity, oh and evidence.


While doing a numerology reading for a friend of mine, I told her that her 11 expression number meant: ‘inspired thinker, psychic, mystical, and imaginative.’

She replied, “Oh, yes psychic.”

I yelled, “W h a t ?”

eleven Numerology Tricia Gunberg.jpg

My author friend of five years went on to explain some psychic hits (Synchronicities, she called them.) she has been experiencing. I was both surprised and not surprised. Surprised because she had never shared this with me before (Um, excuse me, I talk about psychic abilities for a living and you should share this with me damn it!) and not surprised because the last ten of my readings have been for people who want to work with their abilities and it is the reason they seek me out.

Knowing that she had a 3 in her Life Path I told her; “Most likely intuitive hits would come in the form of words.”

“Yes”, she said, “sometimes it is just one word.”

Another reading for a Master 33 Life Path who was experiencing some overwhelm due to her sensitivity, led to me offering her a tool she could use to connect. (Sensitivity is a code word for psychic abilities, and I was attempting to explain this to her.) Doing an exercise whereby your own body is a ‘pendulum’, I asked her to make a false statement then pause to feel and make a true statement then pause to feel. The look on her face was priceless as she explained to me how each felt. (This is a calibration tool to help you clarify your ‘yes’ and ‘no’ signal.)

Doing something similar for a 1 Life Path, the energy physically pushed her back, “Holy shit! It just pushed me!” If you look in my book ‘Say YES to Who You Are to Create Fitness’, under the energy of the number 1 on page 9, you will find the words physical body. For someone with a 1 in their Life Path, having the messages come physically makes a lot of sense.

Could anyone make this shit up? Reminding myself of these instances is so necessary; this shit is real. Numerology is real and helpful. Psychic abilities are real and helpful. We all have some sort of psychic ability!

I could tell you ‘how to’ develop your psychic gifts, but telling you how your gifts will show up is a bit more interesting and a bit more helpful to start with. When you book a reading with me I get pretty specific and give you tools based on your abilities. In the meantime, consider my guidance below based on your Life Path number. Add up all the digits of your birthday, until you get a single digit: 8+4+1+9+6+9= 37, 3+7= 10, 1+0= 1.

1= very physical body sensation

2,6= Emotions/Feelings

3= words (Note: 33 is different)

4, 8 =material objects

5= something to do with ‘hands’

7= because you are a mystic, translating energy is part of your path and you would have many avenues. Look at the two numbers you added together for guidance. (16, 25, 34, 43)

9= inner knowing (claircognizance)

Say YES to Who You Are to Create more magic!

Love and Light,



HERE is Part 1 The ABC’s of your 123’sG is for Guidance

How to use Signs and Symbols as Guidance

Numerology is my favorite symbol to interpret. It is numbers as symbols that has been guiding me the most. Yesterday I got 444, twice! While working on the signs and symbols post for this week, 444 showed up a second time.

Here are some other ways signs and symbols come to me:


Doing readings for others



Tarot and Oracle card readings




When I see repeated numbers it reminds me to pay attention. (R is for Repeated Numbers coming up 4/20!) This practice has led me to all sorts of synchronicities. If this ‘information getting’ appeals to you, start with one from the above list. If you can remember parts of your dreams or it really peaks your interest, start there. If you mediate regularly, ask a question right before you meditate and see what comes up for the next 24 hours. Buy a tarot deck and play. If you have a 3 in your Life Path, write or draw and see what comes. My practice started over ten years ago with dream interpretation.

I’d like to take you through one of my current processes in getting messages. I watch Psychics on TV because I like to study how they operate. A young man does readings for famous people while drawing in a note book. This makes sense to me as I have allowed my writing to be a channel and I too create doodles as a form of meditation.

I will present the rest of this post in a video format.

This video includes all the signs and symbols for the week of March 13- March 21, 2018 as I believe this to have been a very potent week as it will set the energy for the next 12 months. (March 22, according to Astrology is the beginning of the year.) Review your Personal Year number to see how it coincides with this week’s message.

The symbols I will discuss:





Where in your life do you need more love?

One way to see this is where you have frustration, can you ‘love’ on the frustrating situation/person? To be honest, all of this resonates for me. My entire journey has been about loving myself more and recently, loving myself unconditionally.

Imagine a world where everyone thinks and feels:“There is nothing you can do to make me stop loving you.”

Can we offer unconditional love to others and ourselves?

I see I am near 444 words- ha! So I’m stopping.

Love and Light,
