2020 Spiritual (Universal) Energy

2020 Spiritual (Universal) Energy

Hello Wellness Warriors!

Intuitive Healer and Numerologist Tricia Gunberg here

Filming on location in Atascadero. I have been inspired to share the energy of 2020 and I would like to remind you to take your bottom of your belly breaths (BoB’s) because they are so important.

The spiritual Energy of 2020 becomes “clear vision”. Another term numerology uses to describe Spiritual energy is Universal Energy. In part two we will add the digits down to a single digit ( 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 =4) and discuss the meaning of the four but right now let’s look at it in whole and in part. Just as we consider all of the digits in your Life Path (Health and Wellness Number) to have an influence, we know 2020 is a slightly different than 2011.

The energy as a whole: 2020

The energy in part: 2 (two) and 0 (zero)

You need not be a numerologist to see (Ha! What a great pun!) the 2020 with a backslash becomes 20/20. Since I am a numerologist, I will break the numbers down to show you how I came up with ‘clear vision’.

When we break it down the 2 is about sensitivity. Anyone with a 2 in their Life Path number knows what I am talking about. This sensitivity or ‘heightened awareness’ can have you tuned into too much sometimes. When you learn how to use it, you will see how this sensitivity is a superpower.

The zero is about inner knowing. More on the Zero in Z is for Zero

Zero with attributes by Tricia Gunberg.jpg

So combining the sensitivity of the 2 and the inner knowing of the zero creates clear-vision! More on the Sensitivity of the 2 here.

Inner Gifts brought to us by Zero

These are the inner gifts as per Dan Millman’s numerology:





“Zero has no beginning and no end. Like the Fool in the tarot, the 0 is asked to go on an adventure into the unknown.”

This is a quote from Sue Bishop, one of Australia’s top psychic initiatives.’ An adventure into the unknown!’ How exciting!

More on the Sensitivity of the 2 here.

Life Path 2 with attributes by Tricia Gunberg.jpg

It is no coincidence that we are entering the Age of Aquarius. Mercury in retrograde in Pisces until March 9th. I am not an astrologer, but I love it when Numerology and Astrology reflect each other and give the same message. Pisces is about emotions; it is water. If you have dreams about water understand those dreams are about emotions and how you are navigating them (oh man, another great pun!).

I had a water dream. It was part of the inspiration for making this video. In my dream I was snorkeling in water that was bright white. A black stingray was swimming below me. (In real life, I panic a bit when I see a ray near me in the water. I must swim away and calm myself. I don’t know why as I am not logically afraid of them!) As it came toward me, I was filled with awe and felt very calm. I put my hand out and the ray touched my hand with its wing. I woke with an incredible feeling.

Stingray Dream

Stingray message from Spirit-Animal.com: The stingray is letting you know that everything is in place. You have the means, the tools and the skills. Now get busy and get on with it. The spirit animal insists you have faith in your abilities and follow your inner guidance.

You need to be sensitive and aware of your emotions in order for you to tap into your inner knowing. Taping into this sensitivity in order to have that clear vision. Your willingness to tap into it is very important. That is what 2020, the Universal Energy is going to ask us to do. It is going to start with our inner knowing, what we know about ourselves. We are always looking outside of ourselves for information and guidance. I am guilty of that too. (It is good sometimes, especially if we are feeling lost or unsure but not as a steady diet.)

NOTE: some are calling this ‘awake’ or ‘enlightened’.

Aquarius is about the higher mind, Pisces is too. This energy along with Mercury in retrograde at the beginning of the year (Even if you are reading this part way into 2020, look back to February and March to see if you were holding off on anything, studying or waiting. ) it is a good time to take your BoB’s before making decisions. Well, this is always a good idea but especially now. You will have clear vision if you tune in. Do you have one of these clairs?

Clairvoyance- clear vision

Clairsentience-clear feeling

Clairaudience-clear hearing

Claircognizance- clear knowing

Clairsalience- clear smell

Clairtangency- clear knowing by touch

Clairgustance- clear taste

Evidently there are three more clair abilities, but I have only had experience with the above.

Will it be your motus operandi (your MO) like it is for me? Will you learn what your clair is this year? Will you lean how to use it?

Isn’t it beautiful that you could tap in, tune in and turn on this ability? I talk more about it on my X is for Xray post.( Click over and post your question, I ‘d love to help.)

Tuning into messages. I have helped many of my clients do this. I believe this is part of my path – to help those who are new to this clair business. Having intuitive abilities can be a bit scary and there is so much misinformation and negativity surrounding it. It is motivation for my video today. I have used signs and symbols to guide me; numerology and astrology are some of the signs and symbols I use.

Hearing something or seeing something three times is a key to this intuitive business. Your guides are supporting you always. You are getting guidance all the time. Maybe repeated numbers, maybe through a stranger saying something to you

Slowing down for a few minutes is all it takes. Willing to be aware. I do teach modalities to my clients and in my workshops. Some of them seem so simple they are silly. I have seen the reactions of people when they are taught how to tune in. It is so amazing!

It is accessible to all of us.

When Mercury is in retrograde, it is time to:




Personally, I am was in the process of reconsidering the videos I had offered in the past. This was part of the ‘hearing it three times’ I referenced earlier. Three people told me they missed my videos- I had no idea they were watching… I seriously thought I was pretty much talking to myself for an entire year.

What do you to see in 2020?

What do you want to reconsider?

I will be posting more to support you through out 2020. Since the origin of this post I have begun to offer daily energy readings. My plan is to do it for the 30 days of March and see how it goes over. I have realized the value of the postings for myself alone. This creative way to bring you messages keeps me tapped in, tuned in and turned on. This is good energy and I’d be bringing to you from a totally different energy. This is beautiful too.

A bit more motivation for creating this post came from a few people who had approached me to discuss decisions they needed to make. They felt pressure to make a decision NOW. With Mercury in Retrograde it is not a good time for important decisions to be made. Mercury is about information – so it is time to collect information, not react to it. As I mature and spend more time in meditation and mindfulness, I see that this push or feeling that things need to be resolved now, is not true. It is fear sneaking its ugly head in. Often, a situation resolved its self when I have had the faith to wait.

We think it needs to be resolved NOW- ask if that is true. It usually isn’t.

We think we need to do something NOW- ask if that is true. We usually don’t.

If you think you need to make a decision, take some BoB’s first.

~Bottom of the Belly Breaths; this form of meditation is very helpful. I just read an article in Psychology Today about the benefit of mindfulness in lowering off cortisol.

Fill the bottom of your belly with an inhale. Get it really, really full. Place your hand below your belly button so you can feel yourself e x p a n d.

Now, using your stomach muscles push all the air out. Again, use your hands so you can feel this.

Do as many breaths in this manner that feels good. Staring with 3 is good. Work toward concentrating on your breath going in and out for 15 minutes is optimum. You need not do BoB’s the entire time. When I breath for more that the 3 in and outs I count to 4 on both the in and out. It is very calming and often I use it at bedtime.

Are you ready to get tuned in? Are you ready to explore your intuitive abilities? I am here for you when you are ready.

Stay tuned to part 2 where I will continue the discussion of the 2020 Spiritual(Universal) Energy and power of the number 4 and what it is asking us to do. The 4 is about building a solid foundation…interesting as Eckhart is talking about that as well, just from a different perspective.

Until next time, know that I love you.

Love an Light,


A six-minute video format of this available at my Youtube channel. You can support me by becoming a subbie or If you would like to donate to support my work please go to my services page or schedule a reading with me.


What is the best advice to handle Mercury Retrograde to receive more positive rather than negative experiences during this time?

How to handle Mercury Retrograde to receive more positive rather than negative experiences during this time

Tricia Gunberg, Intuitive Healer, Wellness Warrior, Author

Wellness Warrior photo Tricia Gunberg.png

Well, that’s the rub. When we are unable to rid ourselves of what no longer serves us, along comes the energy of the Universe to help!

This ‘help’ or ‘adjustments, could very well feel negative. (I allowed my teen pregnancy to haunt me and bring me down for 30 years so I have deep understanding.) Know that it is the way we think about what happens not the actual event.

Eckhart teaches us not to resist the present moment, as does Abraham Hicks. I teach people not to resist who they are, to say YES to who they are, in fact.

Mercury in Retro is a time to:





RE-work (our relationship with tech specifically)

So, how can YOU receive more positive than negative?

Please take time to do some of the ‘RE’ things listed. Add some Spring cleaning while you’re at it. Tell the Universe you are ready to release all that does not serve you with this symbolic gesture. Do some self-care by slugging off old skin with a dry brush (so relaxing too!) and so on. This is a general ‘reading’ as I know many people ask how to navigate Mercury in Retrograde. I could get more specific if I used your numerology. Your Life Path number, your Personal Year number and the numbers that repeat in your chart are your clues.

Since the retrograde in in Pieces, I have this to say:

Crap-on-a-cracker if emotions are difficult for you. I’m guessing if you are reading this post, it is an issue for you. Mercury is retro in Pieces ….. so it is about emotions! Here is another reason I think it is about emotions:

I saw someone carrying this book yesterday:

Emotions Retrograde Post  by Tricia Gunberg.jpg

The old me would have high-fived 🤚the construction worker carrying the book. Who has time for feelings and emotional crap!? ‘Have a beer 🍺 and get over yourself’, the old me would have said.

The new me chuckled. (I’ve recorded something about it; Using emotions as gears in a car post) I laughed because my life has been so much better since I’ve ALLOWED my emotions to be expressed. This act of allowing transformed into me being able to OBSERVE my emotions. This is more advice drawn from Eckhart, he has the wisdom on this and when I first started listening to him it sounded like the Charlie Browns teacher speaking. I kept listening because I had an inner knowing that told me it was truth. After five years of listening, it makes sense to me now. Pun intended:

I highly recommend listening to the Narrated version by Eckhart himself.

I highly recommend listening to the Narrated version by Eckhart himself.

Am I an expert? F*ck no. That baby business I spoke about, well, I placed him for adoption as I was only 16. Long story short, he is back in my life in the most beautiful way.

BUT ….I have not allowed myself to process all the emotions. I know this because his adopted mom gave me videos of him growing up and I can’t watch them without crying hysterically. I can’t get past the first 5 minutes. I still have emotional work to do and the thought of all that pain coming out is overwhelming, no matter how much joy surrounds it now. Having self-loathing and grief wound tightly for 33 years, …..letting loose is difficult.

Thank-you for this question. I will now RE-consider watching my son’s childhood videos so I can allow the grief of giving him up….typing that made tears well up…and ask myself what support I would need in order to do so. The bag of emotional bricks is just so so heavy.

Let this time be a friend to you.

Love and Light,


Throwback Thursday: The 11, the 2 and the Owl with Update

Recently I was asked; “What is the meaning of hearing an owl at night? I have heard it several times this week.”

I love this question. It shows she is aware of messages and wants to decode them! Also, I love owls. As you know my motto is “Say YES to who you are to create magic.” Since the owl asks, “Who?”, maybe owl is the Spirit Animal of my website! I have answered this questions many times for myself so here it is:

Message from the owl

I'm looking for more insight into what this year has to offer us as we wait and watch. This week, owls popped up many times. The super cute owes that are so fuzzy you could die! (I am quoting a scene from Despicable Me.) We've had owls come up before and I recall something about 'who'. This gave me pause. To be honest,I am a bit upset that this message is on repeat. I still struggle with who I am. 


Well, maybe struggle isn't the right word. How do I explain?

For a long time I have believed there was something I need to do in this life time, something important. After I  started writing my blog in 2014 I thought I was onto something and I could relax. Putting myself out there as a writer AND intuitive made me feel so vulnerable- it had to be the antidote to my angst. Then I completed my first book, that helped some, for a while. 

Yesterday I watched Marie Forleo. (I love her! She is funky, spunky and beautiful! soul. I would include link here except her BSchool advice it to not link outside your own website :) I click on the show because the title was, "The Writing Process and the Myth of Inspiration." When they started talking about the courage to write, I began to cry. You see, I started writing my memoir in September (2018) and bawl the entire time I write and edit. This writing exercise has me completely aware of when I sensor myself in my writing and my talking. This awareness is causing me a great deal of pain. 


I need to ask you,

"Who are you?"

I need to ask myself, "Who am I?"

And I need to repeat the message from two weeks ago, "What are you trying to say?" "What impact would you like to have on the world?" "What legacy do you want to leave?"

Is it true? Is it useful?

Dani Shapiro's advice is to ask yourself if it is true (what you say and what you write) and if it is useful. 

I want to ask you that too. Are you just mindless repeating others? (Parrot message from last week.)  Are you true to yourself? Do you honor yourself, weekly, hourly, daily, hourly?

How do you know if you are not? Remember the post I did on Emotions being gears in a car?  Emotions like: guilt, frustration, irritation, fear and anxiety - these are your clues. If others seem to be the ‘cause’ of these emotions for you, remember they are just reflecting back to you what you would like to change about yourself. 

The irony that I use Numerology to help people find themselves is not lost on me. I bet my entire family is laughing at this. They know I have been trying to figure this out my entire life. Maybe they are even wondering if I am qualified to help others if I can't even figure it out for myself. 

The 11 energy of 2018 is gunna make us more sensitive (2) and shine a light (Illumination, energy of the 11) on things to help us be true to ourselves (1 energy, twice!). Can you handle this? Are you ready? 

I think I am. And I am grateful, so grateful we can help each other. 

Love and Light,


PS here is the Message of the Owl in video format