Free Numerology Reading, December 2015

  Holidays are upon us. I don't like to give your more work when your plate is already full (pun intended) but we all need to work on ourselves, no matter the season. Holidays add extra pressure which sheds light on things we don't want. Respect that- information comes in all forms. Here is your message for this month:

When we think we are ‘doing what is right’ we often miss out on “being”. Being present, being available, being with our families and most of all being ourselves. Spend some time this month deciding what you can leave behind in 2015. Things that don’t really need to be done; worrying, self-doubt, over-working, shopping, television, over-eating- all things that do not serve you and your highest good.    Replace it with spending more time ‘being’.

Here are some specific things you can work on based on your numerology.

Life Path 1- You already know you just need to decide. Are you done with something? Here is a clue to what that could be: how you spend your time, how you spend your money and how you spend your play. Yes, spend your play. Are you playing or working?

Life Path 2- When something is weighing on you, you need to let it go. What is on you? You can tell when you allow yourself to let it go, even for a few minutes. You will feel lighter. Try a few things and see how it goes. Clue: it could be a person, a place or a thing.   

Life Path 3- If you’re having a hard time keeping up with the Kardashians, you watch too much TV. (Just knowing the Kardashian reference tells me so.) Where could your time be better spent? If a TV show leaves you feeling good, that is one thing, it is quite another to have it upset you.  

Life Path 4- Where have you been spending your time? At the gym? At the bar? At a friend’s? Take a look at where you spend your time. Is this really a reflection of who you are? If not, find a place that is and spend some time there.

Life Path 5- When change happens, you have two choices: roll with it or fight it.  Try rolling with every change for just one week. Your kid got a bad grade on a test, roll with it. Your spouse was late, roll with it. Your boss forgot to give you some important information, yes, roll with it. Your tendency to fight with everyone is really taking a toll on you.

 Life Path 6- If you cannot seem to get people to listen to you, maybe it's because of what you’re saying. You have a tendency to get in everyone's business, yet you cannot keep track of your own. Take a hint and get on with your own life.

Life Path 7- If all of us had as much wisdom as you, we wouldn’t have as many schools. However, if you sit on all of it, it won’t be any good. Why are you hording your greatest asset? Don’t be afraid- there is much more where it came from and you’ll never stop sharing once you start.

Life Path 8- When abundance gets together with intelligence, great things happen. Apply the same effort you have for others to yourself.  If you have a business idea, go for it. Trust in yourself like you have trusted in other people’s abilities. You have what it takes and now is the time to act.

Life Path 9- When was the last time you didn’t complain about what life brought you? How long ago was that? What was going on? What where you doing? If you cannot ‘have’ the same as in the past, just sit with how it felt. You are very close to getting what you want, you just need to spend some time thinking about how it will feel.

Love and Light,


October 2015 Gree Guidance

The time has come to stop hiding the truth from yourself. This is referring to things about ourselves we don’t want others to know. What do we hide from others? Think for a moment.

When we hide things we think we are protecting ourselves. The ego mind works very hard to accomplish this. Our ego tells us not to reveal our true selves, that it wouldn’t be safe to do so.  Truth is not handled well by all. It is similar in nature as freedom. (link to freedom post)  A toddler cannot have the run of the house. A dog cannot have the run of a neighborhood. Many Hollywood stars cannot handle the freedom their money gives them.  In order to face some truth with-in ourselves, we need to clear a space for it. Allow it to come forward. An eating disorder is a symptom of a truth. An addiction is the cover of truth. It takes a lot of hard work to cover our truths. It is so much work to cover our truths, it makes us tried. It really is less work to allow your truth to emerge.  Just as freedom takes responsibility, intellect and respect, so does truth. It takes strength to see the truth and even more strength to be vulnerable with it. This strength and willingness will not make you tried, it will set you free.

         Are you ready to add some truth to your life? Read on brave ones, read on.

To calculate your Life Path Number, add all the digits of your birthdate until you get a single digit. For example November 30, 1975 is calculated: 1+1+3+1+9+7+5 = 27,  2+7 = 9. This person’s Life Path Number is a 9 so they would scroll down to "9" to find the Numeroscope message.

1 Life Path- (Creativity and Confidence)- when you calculate what it is to have the truth, the positive effects are not easily seen. But when you calculate hiding the truth, you won’t understand its magnitude until it is too late. The truth will set you free. What truths are you hiding?

2 Life Path-(Cooperation and Balance)- If a 2 wants some truth in their life they just need to ask for it from themselves. Your children hiding things? What do you hide? Your spouse not being completely straight forward? What is it that you don’t want anyone to know about? You can begin to let some of the ‘truth’ out in little increments and see what happens.

3 Life Path- (Expression and Sensitivity) – Threes are better at hiding the truth than others. Generally this is because they are a bit insecure. You can trust a 3, but be careful, they only disclose about themselves what they think is safe. The best parts of them, they keep hidden. Not out of selfishness but because they don’t understand how wonderful their truth is.

 4 Life Path- (Stability and Process) – You can trick a 4, but a four cannot trick you. They are straightforward and if everyone had a 4 in their numerology then life would be free and open. But a 4 needs to understand that not everyone is so forthcoming. Not because they need to keep secrets but because fear keeps the truth hidden. Be kind to those who you know have trouble with sharing the truth.

5 Life Path- (Freedom and Discipline) – Fives love drama and they might stretch the truth a little to get it. Know that if a 5 has told a ‘lie’ about you it was for this reason. They truly don’t intend to hurt, they just like a little ‘Days of Our Lives’ going on in their daily life. Be aware of this if you are a 5. Your stories may seem, fun or funny, but for those that are your subjects, it is no laughing matter. 

6 Life Path- (Vison and Acceptance) – We can do some damage with the words we chose. It is best when a 6 wants to share a truth, it be about themselves first. Like the proverbial glass house, you won’t throw a stone/truth when you know how much the truth hurts. Find your truth, be brave and share it.

7 Life Path- (Trust and Openness) – Your middle name needs to be “truth”. The truth you seek is not really about yourself per say but more about the things you seek to know. Do you have a secret desire to go back to school or take a class? Whatever knowledge you seek, indulge yourself, there is a reason for it.

8 Life Path- (Abundance and Power) – A wealth of truth is headed your way. If you are concerned about how you’ll handle it, look back. When the truth has found you before, how did you react? You are ready this time. It will not blindside you. You are ready and you will be turning these truths to gold (reread August 2015)

9 Life Path- (Integrity and Wisdom)- If only you could get paid for all the truths you told. If you cannot get paid to be honest, let it be a lesson. Not everyone, everywhere has trouble with the truth but until you come clean with all the truth you cease to tell, an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay will allude you.

Send my support to you as you take this road to finding your truth and as always,

Love and Light,


September 2015 Free Guidance

Free Guidance September 2015

The 9th month. As is the Life Path of a 9 a humanitarian one, the month of September will bring on a feeling of oneness with everyone. A connectedness that may not enjoyable to all. Like when a co-worker or mate is around your neck or a parent is riding your back. It is this connectedness thatcauses us some 'ta-do' and we are here this month to get it 'ta-done'. Take a look at your forecast for this month and spend some time with it. Just as the scientist are discovering that attention to something changes its behavior, you too will soon discover that your attention to matters will make a change.  

 To calculate your Life Path Number, add all the digits of your birthdate until you get a single digit. For example November 30, 1975 is calculated: 1+1+3+1+9+7+5 = 27,  2+7 = 9. This person’s Life Path Number is a 9 so they would scroll down to "9" to find the Numeroscope message.

School is in session kids! For this month I invite you to look up all three (or four) of your digits and follow the instructions there. Do some homework, you’ll be glad you did. Also practice that penmanship and hand write your answers. In the example above the total was 27 so this person would look up 2, 7 and 9.

1 Life Path- (Creativity and Confidence) –When a 1 wants to get something done they just need to think about it often during the day. They will condition their brain to consider it as part of them. It won't take long before a 1 brain will begin a new habit. The trick is to keep whatever it is that is wanted close to the heart. Meditation, daily affirmations and any other daily reminders will help. The more organic they are the better.  An intention instead of an alarm clock, a handwritten note instead of a phone generated reminder.  You’ll connect to your true self better this way.

2 Life Path-(Cooperation and Balance)- 2's are so very sensitive and they forget that that is what makes them special. They wish their sensitivity away- no bueno. It is when they allow their sensitivity that they are truly themselves. A good exercise for 2’s is to write down all the things they find good about their emotions. How emotions keep them safe when they feel danger, when emotions connect them to their children/family/friends and all the ways they appreciate ‘feeling’. Keeping a diary just for this purpose will be very helpful.

3 Life Path- (Expression and Sensitivity) – 3’s really need to express what they are feeling but also need to be careful not to dump it on others.  Their emotions are powerful indicators that are there to teach them about themselves. Each emotion they experience is a window into their soul. Homework for you is to explore each one of these that disturbs you the most. Angry at a co-worker, explore ‘why’. Upset at your mate, write down why and see where it leads. You are a culmination of all that is important. Heed your emotions as a guidance system. A guidance systemthat you asked for, one that will lead you where you want to go, one that will set you free.

4 Life Path- (Stability and Process) – Building is in a 4’s repertoire. They can build a wall faster than anyone to keep everyone out. They make good hermits but this does not serve their highest and greatest good. A good way to deal with those reclusive feelings is to identify the resistance. What is it about where they need to go bothers them? What is it about people that bugs them? When they explore this they will resolve it. What you resist will persist so until you figure it out or stop worrying about it, it will nag at you.

5 Life Path- (Freedom and Discipline) – 5’s have avoidance in spades. They like to avoid the things that are difficult for them. They do not understand that by doing the things that are most difficult the road to less resistance will appear. If a 5 wants to have an easy time at work they need to focus on what it is they like least and find a way to like it. Although this might be difficult, just by considering what you like about it will change the energy of it. Take the least enjoyable thing about your job and do it first thing in the morning- a jump start to a great day!

6 Life Path- (Vison and Acceptance) – The unconditional love of the 6 sometimes gets in their way. They love things to death. They need to back off the things they love a little bit. Give room to things to grow and change. By holding onto things, 6’s create a disharmony. Loving something does not mean having it in their life all of the time. Allowing things to move in and out is true unconditional love. Yes, this takes lots of trust but the things that a 6 are meant to love the most just might need to be the furthest away.

7 Life Path- (Trust and Openness) – The truth will set a 7  free but that is the rub. This is the most difficult thing for a 7 but that is because it is what you are here to learn. Trust, honesty and above all wisdom to know the difference. The difference between truth and non-truth. Not lies per say but just knowing what does not serve you. What in your life does not serve your greatest and highest good? What would you like to have less of? Less chaos? Less gossip? Less sass talk? Only you know the answer (truth) so sit with it for a awhile and see what comes up.

8 Life Path- (Abundance and Power) – You can advance at a high speed, you can also recede very quickly too. Be mindful of this in regards to your thoughts. What is your mind saying? Are they positive statements or derogatory? It does not matter who or what these statements are about, they just create more negativity. Pick something that is causing you some anxiety and try hard to find something positive about it. If it is a person that is especially irritating try to recall what attracted you to this person in the beginning. If it is a work situation that seems out of your control, consider how you could creatively solve it or what it would look like when it is resolved.  We are only given challenges that we can handle.

9 Life Path- (Integrity and Wisdom) – Shoot, you may have used all your ammo last month. That is to say that you may have been making the wrong fight. You don’t understand this now but the things that are bothering you are what you need to know in the future to make your decisions. You need to start asking hard questions, of yourself and of others. What are you here to accomplish? Not just to get by but the big picture type of accomplishment?

Love and Light,



August 2015 Free Guidance

It is the 8th month of the year with the energy of "7". (8+2+0+1+5= 16, 1+6= 7). The seven energy is a strong one in the truth and trust. We can see the energy by allowing ourselves some time to consider what is going on in our lives. Have you been wondering how you got where you are now? If so then you will enjoy this reading because it will help you see some of the truth that is the answer to your question. One great truth that I’d like to mention is the truth about abundance (August=8 which is abundance), it really is here for all of us in every aspect of our lives. More on this another time but sending you an abundance blessing with this reading. Whatever you would like more of, keep in your thoughts.

To calculate your Life Path Number, add all the digits of your birthdate until you get a single digit. For example November 30, 1975 is calculated: 1+1+3+1+9+7+5 = 27,  2+7 = 9. This person’s Life Path Number is a 9 so they would scroll down to "9" to find the Numeroscope message.

1 Life Path- (Creativity and Confidence)- This energy will find you longing for things that use to be. Not because you are unhappy but because you can recall how that feels. For you it is difficult to imagine your life being different. It can be. You don’t need to fill in all the details just consider the things you do want. Yes, it is good to include your feelings about future events but not necessary. Remember that being a one is about doing things different that others do, so do those things. All will be reviled soon.

2 Life Path-(Cooperation and Balance)- Cooperation of most importance now. If you cannot cooperate with how things are going than it will be more difficult. For instance if you are finding yourself needing to be alone more than you would like to be don’t fight it.  Act as if everything is okay. This might be difficult for some of you but very important. When you don’t feel alone you won’t be alone. If you have the feeling of loneliness in you then you will attract more loneliness. Get out and be around people even if you don’t know them. 

3 Life Path- (Expression and Sensitivity) – When 3s need to accomplish something it is best that they have a team. They can get much done when they have some support. The past you long for need not be the one you think. If you are not at your best, consider how you can make changes. Do you need to move? Start packing. Any act of faith pushes energy in the right direction.

 4 Life Path- (Stability and Process) – You can fix just about anything but are you more concerned about yourself or others? This can be tricky because sometimes you want others to do something that will benefit you. Like when a family member offers to take your kids but is always sick on those days. You want to make them well so they can take your kids. It doesn’t work this way. You need to find a way to get what you need without ‘fixing’ others. You can be just as productive and not give others a hard time.

5 Life Path- (Freedom and Discipline) – You’ll need a dash of excitement before the months end but make sure you don’t do it at others expense. You know that life gets boring and predictable. It is no one’s fault, just the way things go. If you need to add excitement do so in a positive way so that you can enjoy it and have it not upset others. If you need a change of view, take a drive or different route home- don’t just leave or decide to arrive late without telling people. You can add adventure in your life, just do it in a way that is more respectful of others.

6 Life Path- (Vison and Acceptance) – When a 6 gets ready to accomplish something there really isn’t anything that can stop them so the trick is to have your ducks in a row.  First visualize what you want, then make your plan and follow through.  You can have all you desire as long as you do the work. Note: The work is meant to be enjoyable.

7 Life Path- (Trust and Openness) – You’re the King/Queen of truth but sometimes you don’t like to see it in yourself. This is hard- self truth and it is not for wussies. You can have what you desire you just need to know what it is that you truly desire. Work out a way for it to come to you. It will, give it time.

8 Life Path- (Abundance and Power) – You can turn crap to gold- no kidding. If you even smell something that isn’t pleasant you can put a positive spin on it. The trick is to believe you can. You can.

9 Life Path- (Integrity and Wisdom) – Not that I’d need to tell you but you’ve been on fire lately. You are good at seeing other people’s truth. So how about taking a few minutes to look at some of yours. It won’t be pleasant but life can’t be all unicorns farting rainbows.

Love and Light,
