Free Numerology Reading, December 2015
Holidays are upon us. I don't like to give your more work when your plate is already full (pun intended) but we all need to work on ourselves, no matter the season. Holidays add extra pressure which sheds light on things we don't want. Respect that- information comes in all forms. Here is your message for this month:
When we think we are ‘doing what is right’ we often miss out on “being”. Being present, being available, being with our families and most of all being ourselves. Spend some time this month deciding what you can leave behind in 2015. Things that don’t really need to be done; worrying, self-doubt, over-working, shopping, television, over-eating- all things that do not serve you and your highest good. Replace it with spending more time ‘being’.
Here are some specific things you can work on based on your numerology.
Life Path 1- You already know you just need to decide. Are you done with something? Here is a clue to what that could be: how you spend your time, how you spend your money and how you spend your play. Yes, spend your play. Are you playing or working?
Life Path 2- When something is weighing on you, you need to let it go. What is on you? You can tell when you allow yourself to let it go, even for a few minutes. You will feel lighter. Try a few things and see how it goes. Clue: it could be a person, a place or a thing.
Life Path 3- If you’re having a hard time keeping up with the Kardashians, you watch too much TV. (Just knowing the Kardashian reference tells me so.) Where could your time be better spent? If a TV show leaves you feeling good, that is one thing, it is quite another to have it upset you.
Life Path 4- Where have you been spending your time? At the gym? At the bar? At a friend’s? Take a look at where you spend your time. Is this really a reflection of who you are? If not, find a place that is and spend some time there.
Life Path 5- When change happens, you have two choices: roll with it or fight it. Try rolling with every change for just one week. Your kid got a bad grade on a test, roll with it. Your spouse was late, roll with it. Your boss forgot to give you some important information, yes, roll with it. Your tendency to fight with everyone is really taking a toll on you.
Life Path 6- If you cannot seem to get people to listen to you, maybe it's because of what you’re saying. You have a tendency to get in everyone's business, yet you cannot keep track of your own. Take a hint and get on with your own life.
Life Path 7- If all of us had as much wisdom as you, we wouldn’t have as many schools. However, if you sit on all of it, it won’t be any good. Why are you hording your greatest asset? Don’t be afraid- there is much more where it came from and you’ll never stop sharing once you start.
Life Path 8- When abundance gets together with intelligence, great things happen. Apply the same effort you have for others to yourself. If you have a business idea, go for it. Trust in yourself like you have trusted in other people’s abilities. You have what it takes and now is the time to act.
Life Path 9- When was the last time you didn’t complain about what life brought you? How long ago was that? What was going on? What where you doing? If you cannot ‘have’ the same as in the past, just sit with how it felt. You are very close to getting what you want, you just need to spend some time thinking about how it will feel.
Love and Light,