BooBology: Take BREAST health into your own hands

The Darkside of medical advice!

 Mammography Limitations - Alternative Screenings- Energetic Interpretations of Breast Health

 Switzerland’s seemingly paradoxical ban on mammograms is ongoing with a global debate over their efficacy and safety BUT I am no longer debating.  Science continues to consider mammograms as the frontline defense in breast health despite evidence other methods are safer, more accurate, and more holistic.

The inspiration for this blog post comes from studying numerology and staying alter to the shortcomings of medical “science”. The biggest lesson the 2 Life Paths (and those with a 2 in their Life Path) has taught me is to take care of myself. The readings I have conducted on those with a 2 in their Life Path have revealed that the caring nature of the 2 will give to their own detriment. This fact propels me on my own trajectory of self-care, improving as I go, for over two decades. This post is dedicated to #Lifepath2 and all those with 2 in their #lifepath .

Switzerland Banned Mammograms with Tricia Gunberg, Intuitive Healer

It wasn’t surprising to me that Switzerland banned mammograms. I’ve resisted mammograms from the start, the thought of getting my breast smashed kept me away. When I discovered radiation is pumped into them, it was a definite, ‘no-go’ for me.

We will get into more details about why Switzerland banned mammograms and healthier breast care options but first, let’s explore the energetic understanding of Breast Cancer from three perspectives. I’ve chosen Louise Hay, Numerology and German New Medicine.

The breasts are clearly about giving, giving life sustaining nourishment, to be exacting. I was curious about the numerology of women who have the diagnoses of breast cancer and the placement of numbers in their life path (or as I call it ‘Health and Wellness Path Number’). I had suspected a 2 energy because the two is about giving. The Life Path 2 is here to love on us and show us how to love. They are nurtures. Specifically, after having so many sessions with those with a 2 in their Life Path, I came up with a rhythm to help them remember how to deal with this innate compulsion to give.

At random, I chose names from a Google search of “Famous Women with Breast Cancer”. My list is as follows with their DOB and numerology next to their name.

Olivia Munn July 7, 1980…………………….28/10

Shannon Doherty April 12, 1971 ………….25/7

Wanda Sykes March 3, 1964 ……………..30/3

Julia Louis Dreyfus Jan. 13, 1961 ………..22/4

Giuliana Rancic August 17, 1974 …………37/10

Andrea Mitchell October 30, 1946 …….. 24/6

April Pulley Sayre April 11, 1966 ………….26/8

Olivia Newton-John Sept 26, 1948 ……..39/12

Eight of the nine famous women, have a 2 in their life path. That’s 88.88%! I do understand the many flaws in my ‘study’, however given what I know about the attributes of a 2 Life Path, I feel it is important to look at it and include in my fact finding mission. The added fact that the 2 shows up first in 77% of the Life Paths also adds significance. Obviously it doesn’t mean you’ll get cancer if you have a two in your life path but man, don’t you want to be able to learn these women’s mindset? And then avoid whatever that might be? I do.

Let me qualify my last statement. I am prejudice related to the fact that I believe most dis-ease is energetic. (Louise Hay, German New Medicine and Numerology is based on this.) This is where my fact finding starts. Others would argue that outside factors (radiation, heredity) cause cancer. German New Medicine explains these as ‘triggers’ and in fact, not every human reacts the same to those outside factors.


My mind was truly bogged when I looked up the numerology on these words! The word “Breast” is a 20/2. We calculate this by adding the numerical value of each letter down to a single digit just as we do when calculating life paths.

B= 2, R=9, E=5, A=1, S=1, T=2


  • Infrared Thermography

When doing a breast thermography scan, the camera takes pictures of the heat coming off your breasts. Areas that are warmer than others might mean something is going on under the surface, such as abnormal tissue growth or changes in blood flow. These changes can be spotted years before a lump is big enough to feel or see on a mammogram.

Note that the infrared light used in fitness or therapy, like for saunas or muscle recovery, is different. These devices emit infrared radiation to penetrate the skin and muscles, helping to increase circulation, relax muscles, and promote healing. This process is called photobiomodulation or infrared therapy and it uses infrared light to stimulate biological responses that reduce inflammation and aid recovery.

In thermography, the infrared camera is passive; it doesn’t emit any light. Instead, it simply detects the body’s natural heat radiation. So, while both are based on infrared technology, the purpose and application are different: fitness infrared therapy is for treatment, and breast thermography is for detection.

  • Self Exam

  • Ultrasound

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