Q and A Saturday, Disadvantages of studying Astrology or Numerology

Both Astrology and Numerology are really good self-actualization tools.


The biggest disadvantage is the length of time it takes to study in order to do a reading.

The depth of knowledge and understanding required to do a basic astrology reading takes hours and hours … even if you could look up interpretations, it will take you weeks and weeks to get the basics of sun, moon and rising signs.

Look at all the placements!

Look at the symbols (glyphs) and houses, plus aspects (degrees)… I started taking notes on my own chart:

Numerology is not as complicated and I can teach someone how to do a reading in about 2 hours.

Here is a basic Numerology chart:

This is an example of a page from “Say YES to Who You Are to Create Fitness”, you can use to do an “Attributes” reading for someone. This is especially powerful for kids! Here is a link to calculate the life path in order to get the 2–5 numbers needed to discover attributes.

It does make a difference how you plan to apply this knowledge…. this could help to clarify an answer for you.

For example: If you want to make money doing readings, numerology could make you money sooner because of less study time. Numerology is less popular in some places so marketing takes extra effort.

If you want to empower yourself, numerology is much clearer to me. The book by Dan Millman on Life Purpose, is brilliant… no study needed!

If you want to dive deep into life lessons, how current energies effect you or want weekly updates then Astrology would be best choice.


You’ll find those in either choice you make so I’d like to add this:

Those who committed that these metaphysical approaches to self-actualization are a waste of time …..

Both Astrology and Numerology have been successfully and respectfully used for decades years.

Mostly I want to give all naysayers a big FU. The rate of suicide, drug use and prescription ’happy’ pills is absolutely insane… all which could be avoided if we heed Maslow’s advice. If you can afford $250 an hour for a psychiatrist or psychologist- great. At an average of 20 sessions and $5000 later, 50% of you will recover.

The latest research on Maslow’s 1943 Hierarchy of Needs was a 2021 study by Psychologist Ed Diener of U of Illinois which included 123 different countries. Summary: “The need’s described in Maslow’s theory appear to be universal…..the order in which they are met had little impact….” (Source: verwellmind.com)

Self-actualization is important. PERIOD.

If you need support or guidance and don’t have $5000 for therapy, you can actually get support for FREE. I’d highly recommend you have an Astrologer or Numerologist for guidance which starts at about $150 a reading. Just one reading can be studied and applied for months and years with great results!

Thanks for this question!

Love and Light,


Intuitive Healer