Big Wishes and Success....are you blocking these?

Are you afraid to wish your big wishes?

It could be sabotaging your success.




Prior to September 30,2017 my definition of success was purely career oriented. All my career achievements would make everything else happen. Even after years of studying Abraham Hicks and Law of Attraction this mindset persisted! While attending Stephanie Beebe’s workshop Saturday, a new word was added to my definition of success.

That new word has also taken on new meaning.

Lead by Stephanie in a visualization exercise, I saw visions of things I’ve never seen before. I was holding hands with people I didn’t think possible, having fun experiences with loved ones, and feeling so much love it was almost overwhelming.  

The experience shook me. How will I add this new word,  which felt to me like “family”, to my success goals? And, why hadn’t many of my success goals I had set in the past not come to fruition? Was it because my heart and the Universe knew better?  

Maybe, I thought, I haven’t been ‘successful’ as I want to be because I don’t know what the true definition of success is for me.

Okay, this is a bitter pill to swallow, but why is this happening?

Uggghhh! Then it hit me:

 I have not allowed myself to want things. I have not allowed myself to wish big wishes! My limited beliefs have blocked me (This is Stephanie’s magik*! She can reveal to you how you do this to yourself.) from wishing them by keeping them from my awareness.

It used to bug me when Abraham Hicks asked, “Are you enjoying your wanting?” I thought I had been working on this! Ha…getting ready to be ready, still!

AND, getting to know myself better continues.

I know exactly what life event caused this block, but this doesn’t do me any good. Blame gets me nowhere.

The messages I give others are also for myself, both in 1:1’s and in my posts.

I take a few moments and I review them in my mind.

Low and behold- The same approach I have been suggesting for EVERYONE else is the same for me:

You need to know yourself, then say “yes” to it.

I know in my heart and with all of my heart, that FAMILY is part of my new vision of success!

Here is a refresher both of us in the post below. “4 Steps to Getting to Know Yourself Better”.

The path to self-actualization is an important one, a spiritual one and one I hope you’ll continue to take with me.

Love and Light, Tricia

How do I get to know myself better?


#1 Explore self-actualization tools and workshops.
Don’t limit these. Keep trying new ones even when you find ones you like. Some of my favorite: Numerology, Astrology, Intuitive Readings/Coaching, Reiki, Yoga. Oh, yes, workshops with Stephanie and my book.

Love U.jpg

#2 Spend time with yourself in Quiet and in Happiness.
Meditation is great but experience other ways too: golf by yourself, going fishing, or walking (no phone!). Make room and create awareness to increase the amount of time you are happy. Eliminate things that make you sad, angry or frustrated. (News, Social Media, People, Places, Activities)


#3 Observe your emotions.
Pay special attention to those that make you uncomfortable or you prefer not to have.  Honor them, make changes ( emotions are like gears in a car post)



#4 New Experiences!
Do something today that makes you nervous. It is important that you stretch yourself and shed light on yourself and get you out of your comfort zone.

I will be working on this for myself, doing my visualization exercise that Stephanie suggested and being more open to my wantings. The journey continues as we continue to learn how to Say YES to who you are to create MAGIK! I loved to hear from you, either here, via IM or on my Facebook page.

Love and Light,


*Magik- a technique for brining desired changes into physical manifestation. A process of crafting and shaping one’s life. Not to be confused with magic which involves cleaver illusions.  



Grounding and Clearing Workshop by Tricia Gunberg


What you will need for this Grounding and Clearing Workshop that can be used to connect with your intutitive abilities as well as your creative abilitities. 

  • 15 minutes – 2.5 hours, spend as much or as little time as you would like

  • Chair

  • Desk or table Place to stand, preferably outside

  • Notebook and pen- track your experience after each prompt to “be quiet here and feel

  • 3-6 index cards

These methods helped me write my book. I continue to use them for myself as well as share them with clients and my meditation class.

I start the workshop by scanning each participant with my hands, making note of areas that get my attention.  It is a good idea to take a few minutes before doing these exercises and make notes of anything you notice in your body. If you are working on your intuitive abilities, this is especially important to use this ‘muscle.’

A bit about me before we get started:

If someone would have told me in 2010, that I’d be an author, I’d would have nodded. If they would have told me I’d be making a living doing energy work, I would have fallen off my bar stool laughing. As with all things, it has been a process and continues to be. I am a very intuitive person. I do energy work because I was drawn to it and then I realized it appealed to me and it was, in fact, part of my life purpose.  Another reason I do energy work, including writing, is because I am sympathetic to human plights such as addiction, depression, unhealthy weight and general ill health. It is important to me to create methods to support myself and my clients.

I understand my journey to get HERE started sometime before my birth but, my energy work started in 2009. Health issues lead me to kinesiology. The Kinesiologist to a numerologist. Numerology lead me to be open to my intuitive abilities, which lead to Reiki and, more specifically, to my intuitive healing abilities. I kept my writing hidden for many years. It tried to push and shove itself into my life, until I cleared the fear. That is what this manual is about.

This could also be titled “Speed dating for the Soul”

Call these methods anything you would like: grounding, clearing, or knocking down blocks. What we really are doing is making a connections with our deeper selves. We are creating both space and opportunity to know our true selves. It’s in that space we find our creativity and all the yummy bits, that hopefully, we want to share with others.   

#1 you can’t do this wrong  
#2 there are millions of methods, I’m just showing you a few so you can work with them in whatever manner feels right to you
#3 I welcome you to share your thoughts and questions. Everyone will get more out of it if you do. Post your question here or come to my Facebook page and ask. ( If you are reading this without my direct instruction please go to Facebook or send me an email at 

Grounding~do this while standing up~

             Science behind it-This is the science in a nut shell- we could take an entire hour to discuss this one alone. Our bodies are made up of electrons, your heart and brain use electric impulses. Free radicals gum up the works. You can limit free radicals but not entirely. Grounding or Earthing is another term, adds electrons to your body through the bottom of your feet thus displacing some free radicals.   Antioxidants do the same thing.

Demonstration and Participation – Please stand up. Spread out. Yogies in ‘tadasana’, (video) stand in a comfortable position, close your eyes, you can visualize roots coming from your feet into the earth or put your minds eye into your feet to feel energy. 

Relax and Feel

Best place for grounding: Ocean Water, then Beach, then Earth: Dewy grass. After that any porous material with water: cement but not blacktop, tile better than wood

(1-3 minutes)
Breath- another good way to clear space is with your breath. Breathe into your heart, bending over clears your head.

            Demonstration and Participation- diaphragmatic; that is using your entire diaphragm to breath.  (AKA: BoB’s Bottom of the Belly Breaths- weekly reminders at my Facebook page). At first, too many of these might make you feel faint, just do as many as feels comfortable and then pick a breathing pattern that feels the best to you. 

            In Breath/Out Breath- lets practice the in/out. That is to say, think about your in breath to make you tall, light and long as you breath in and increase your connectedness to the earth(feet to the ground, your bottom to a chair) as you breath out.

            Colors- white is clearing, green healing, purple intuitive, red/pink passion. Visualize the color coming in with the breath, as it circulates it grabs up what you don’t need and on your out breath releases it.

4 Count- (Ha- means four) count to four on both the in breath and the out breath

Be Quiet here and FEEL-

 Ho oponopono- Hawaiian, ancient way everything is energy and Ho oponopono is a way to make things right. “Hawaii” translated means land of people who breathe so it seems very appropriate!  This is why Hawaiians call white men ‘ha o le’, lazy breath  

        Method: 7 counts, inhale, hold 7 counts, exhale 7 counts hold 7 counts this is one round do 9 rounds. Stand up please- begin your hooponopono breath –(reference Dr. Len)

(3-5 minutes)
Visualization ~sitting down~

            Demonstration & Participation-  Eyes closed, visualize a cleaning tool of your choice. A white rose, a QTip, a vacuum, feather duster, swirl it around your body parts, starting at the head, moving down to your neck and face, to your R arm then your left, past your torso, hips, R thigh, R knee, R foot, L thigh, R knee, R foot. Discard your cleaning tool with a blessing. The energy you just removed does not serve you but could sever someone or something else.  

Quantum Clearing-Quantum seems to be the buz word these days and thrown around in science and in conversations/literature about metaphysics and the like.

 I really like Cynthia Sue Larson’s on it in her book ‘Quantum Jump’. I have tried some of these body postures and seen some of them in action in the past. Her over-all theme is “fake it til you make it” and she has the science to back it up. Let us practice some of the body postures.

Sitting up straight- creates confidence

A “power pose”- behaving like an extrovert-

             Hands on your hips

             Leaning over with palms on a desk

             Sit with feet up on desk and hands clasped behind the head

Pick a posture and BE STILL HERE AND FEEL



You can rewire your brain with affirmations, it helps to push negative thoughts out. “Thoughts are things.” Science has proven this too. Placebo effect and scientist’s own thoughts which effect test results. 

Creating our own affirmations-

  • For writers and creatives:  "I am a creative writer." "I write with ease and grace." "I am creative." "I am engaging."

  • Based on your numerology: My book gives you easy to follow instructions on how to create your own affirmations specific to you!  


Music and sound can have a profound effect on your mood. Need to set a mood to write a sultry character or scene? Pick sultry music. Need to pump yourself up for an important meeting? Pick rock music, think ‘Eye of the Tiger’.  

Sound of ‘OM’. I am not much into the idea of chanting but have noticed something happening in me when I following along in yoga class doing the classic ‘om’. Primal breath, which by the way is three letters A U M, represents the three stares of consciousness: awake, dreaming, sleepless dreaming. Reference:  pg 158, ‘The Lucid Dreamer’ by Malcolm Godwin.)

These 3 I saved for last, I have them in my mind as a “HOE” not just an acronym so I can remember them but also because these are methods that dig down deep. They contain the potential to release emotion, memories and really bust through tough blocks.

  • Handwriting- “Change Your Handwriting to Change Your Life” by Polly Cady, Certified hand writing annalist. She has studied handwriting of serial killers and those with personality foibles. Her book looks at the positive attributes and as the title states, to make positive changes. Changes I have made:
                         Lower case: g,j,y    they are your money bags so make the bottom loop big

                     Crossing your t’s- cross through the middle means suffering. I decided I was no longer here to suffer and have changed all my t’s to upper case with an affirmation: “I am not here to suffer”. Deciding this was not very positive, I soon changed it to “I am here to enjoy life” and “I live with ease and grace.” Then to “with ease and grace’. Now I don’t say it every time but when I catch myself making a lower case T, I erase it and say “Control/Alt/Delete, ease and grace, ease and grace.” 

Use 3x5 cards and decorate them!

Use 3x5 cards and decorate them!

  • Organizing Oracle- I use these when I want to create a schedule for myself and don’t know where to start.(Update: used them for myself then added it to my book “Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness.)  It will feel like a ‘boss’ is telling you what to do – but it is really yourself and Law of Attraction. My oracle cards (N.O.W. update: getting them designed) started out generic:

go for a walk
research an agent
free choice reading time
watch TV
TAXES (Yuck!)
 Free Choice
Watch tv

 Funny how I never, no matter how many times the “watch TV” was added, I never picked the watch TV card. (attention moms:  I used this method as a homeschool teacher. The kids would have several favorite activities written on a card for  free time choices. They would pick a card to see which one they would do. This helped a lot: less fighting, more variety, less time wasted deciding.)

 I used my initiative abilities to pick the cards now. If you are unable to do it this way, do not worry, trust that whatever card you pic is the right one. Use index cards to write a “to do” list. Estimate how much time you have and how many cards/activities you can actually do or pick the cards randomly. (more instructions in my book: Chapter 3 section How to Work With Your Oracle Cards)

*Note: This is a practice in letting go, trust and using your/improving your intuition, aka: intuitive abilities

 Essential oils-  Use with a carrier oil on your hands with a light massage. Your hands do a lot of work, appreciate all they do for you.

Frankincense penetrates your brain- why they can’t fix Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s because of the barrier that essential oils can penetrate–read from page 7 in Modern Essentials book, fifth edition

I end the workshop with a Q&A and scan the participants to see if they have cleared the energy spots that I detected before the workshop began.  Those practicing to use their intuition are encouraged to scan themselves. (Do you want to gather a few friends and have me do this workshop with you? Please send me an email: theenergygarden(at)

 I like to share this poem to end the workshop:

Mirror, Mirror
While searching for meaning in all that is, in dreams, illness and challenges, these words came to me.
The people that I meet are but an image of me.
 Am I so full of anger, resentment and worry?
The events that occur are but a reproduction.
Am I so full of hatred, sadness and fear?
The dreams that I have are an echo.
 Am I so full of insecurity, regret, and loneliness?
The illnesses I endure are but a resonance.
Am I so full of withholding, controlling and lacking?
A case of mistaken identity, I hoped and I supposed.
But the messages keep repeating.
Why is it that I do not see these reflections of me?
For this case of mistaken identity, what do I need?
 Until I can find the correct focus, this is all I have,
I do love you.
I am truly sorry.
I do beg and plead for forgiveness, for all of this and so much more.
My affection for you runs deep and true.
I thank you for your love and your patience.

Help me create a Wellness Revolution!

Love and Light,



Free Winter Solstice Reading (December 21, 2014)

The shortest day of the year, reminds me of the quote from Thomas Fuller, “It is always the darkest before the dawn.” (Scientifically this is not true. It is darkest at 180 degrees.) For the Solstice, the darkest day gives way to increasingly more light. As a metaphor, it offers encouragement to those who experience darkness in their lives. For some this encouragement (light) is God, therapy, sobriety, truth or another choice that brings them out. 

With this in mind I pulled cards.

Past: You refused to take any responsibility for a bad situation. You believe all the negative criticism you have heard in your life, from yourself or others.  NOTE: this is the darkness

Present: Cut the crap! Stop denying any truth. Confront inaccuracies. Note: this is the light coming in.

Future: Victory. The chance to put it all together and create something special is upon you. Note: This is the dawn, using your truth for a brighter day.

 Summary: When you find yourself in a situation
you do not like, explore it by asking yourself questions about it. Try as hard as you can to
be honest with yourself about it. When you are
able to get to the core, it will not have the same effect as it did initially and chances are you will
feel victorious.

 If you’d like to know how I worked with it please read on.

My thoughts:

Past: Well! Excuse me! It wasn’t my fault that many people in my life have been crazy critical!  Combining some *Ho'oponopono and tapping techniques I have learned I explored my reaction by asking myself questions like: “Am I responsible for this?”  and “Is this true?" The conclusion I came to was that other people’s behavior had nothing to do with me. I just needed to chill out, do the best I could and not worry. Why couldn’t I do this in the past? Blaming people didn’t do me any good, no matter how justified.

And, crud! Why do I criticize myself so much? Why do I replay the criticism from others? My anger at others was just anger at myself. “Stop saying all those mean things! It won’t help to beat me down!” As a teacher I dealt with the old name calling daily: “so-n-so called me do-do head”. It was at about the 1000th time hearing my response that it dawned on me that I was talking to myself. “Is that true? Are you a do-do head?” They would always say very confidently, “No, I am not.”

Present: Truth? The truth is I am an intelligent, creative, contentious person. Most of the criticizing I received in the past was not true but I allowed it to effect me down to the core. Current truth exploration is helping me discover things that make my heart sing. This leaves less room for criticism.

Future: Now that I have decided to apply truth to situations that cause friction and take responsibility for everything that goes on in my life, I have found greater success in alleviating it. This combined with a better understanding of who I am is leading to victory.   

Love, Light and the strength to see it,


*More on this to come.