September Energy 2021 - Universal Year and Universal Month #5energy; FREEDOM is calling

The Universal Year energy is a 5 and the Universal Month is a 5. The five is the most dramatic of the numbers, representing CHANGE and FREEDOM.

If you need support with changes that you could make or soul work based on your Numerology please watch August Energy here DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA

Daily Energy Reading using Universal Day Energy -5 ENERGY-

If you are reading this on February 16 , 2021, it is a Universal Day Energy of the number 5. It is derived the same way as your life path number, by adding all the digits of the date down to a single digit.

In a blog post on the Expression number, there is mention of the 5. Since the 5 can cause #dramadramadrama its a good read if you have a5 in your numerology. Click here to read “E is for Expression”


Using the message of the number 5 in 2021- change is the theme.

Watch the video below for tips and tricks on using this power numerology!

Numerology for Life Path 4 and Universal Day Energy

 Please, feel free to use my book to discover your numerology and for the attributes of the numbers 1-9
