What makes your heart sing?


Do you know your heart's desire?

If you already know what type of things you desire, take time to write them down. (Yep, right now!) If you have everything you desire, what does the world look like to you? What does your employment feel like? How do you enjoy your time? What can your body do/feel? THINK BIG, like beyond your wildest dreams. Your true Hearts Desire can be found using Numerology. It is also known as the Soul’s Urge or Motivation number, it describes your soul's purpose for being here.

What is your HD jpeg.JPG

Would you like to know how Numerology defines your Heart's Desire? First let me explain why  I am  asking.  As you may already know, my belief is that the more often we say "yes" to who we are and the present moment the more joy/magic/peace we will create.  I also believe that NOW, at this monumental time in history, with the power of the planets and the Age of Aquarius, knowing our heart's desire is very important.  

I believe very much in the law of attraction. You know ‘birds of a feather’ and such. If you want to create more love, peace and harmony, or even more thoughtful people, it needs to expand off you… which in turn attracts more to it. This is a potent time for such attraction as the eclipses energy will be with us for a least a month. Taking a few moments to cast your heart’s desire. Update: We will also have 6 planets go into retrograde from July to December. Which means we will have additional support releasing all that does not serve us to make room AND to do some deep healing if we need it.

To find your Heart’s Desire, add all the vowels in your full name. Refer to the conversion chart to get a number for each letter in your name. It is fun to see the different energy that is created when you do your birth name and a name change. For instance, my HD went from an 8 energy to an 11 energy with Gunberg as my last name. I didn’t know this at the time, but I am glad I made the name change because an 11 is, “Visionary who wants to be surrounded by like people” really is my Heart’s Desire.

Here is the conversion chart:

Numerology Chart from "Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness" by Tricia Gunberg

Numerology Chart from "Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness" by Tricia Gunberg

After adding up all the vowels in your name look below for a brief description based on that number. For more information on your HD, my book “Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness” has the word list for each number 1-9, starting on page 8 (Amazon eBook for only $3.99, click here). You can also book a reading with me. and get insight to all 23 numbers in your chart.


1 wants to be a leader and is ambitious

2 craves love and understanding, prefers to follow and partnerships

Heart's Desire Numerology by Tricia Gunberg

Heart's Desire Numerology by Tricia Gunberg

3 loves an audience, many friends and to be surrounded by beauty

4 needs structure, order and rules, wants to work to help others

5 must have variety, personal freedom, and new opportunities

6 desires to create harmony and family, to right all wrongs

7 wants to dream and meditate, upset by noise, menial work, physical discomfort and confusion

8 big business, getting things done

9 requires knowledge, wants to teach, counsel and serve humanity

Doing what we love is so very important. Especially if we are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated or anxious. Love is like Jello, there is always room! May you be blessed with more of your Heart's Desire.

Now for a channeled message regarding your hearts desire:
 "It is true, now more than ever, is a potent time. Do you feel it is not acceptable to ask for your true hearts desire? Do you feel disappointed when you ask and do not receive? We have seen you struggle with this aspect. We see you asking, we see you searching, but we do not see you feeling. Feeling is the key. You must first get to the feeling. Does this require you to put yourself in a situation where you feel joy then replay it in your mind? Then that is what you must do. Will music take you to that place? Will a hot bath or a favorite meal? What activities do you enjoy? You MUST enjoy them then -it is here, in joy, that you will remember. It is here you will be able to repeat it and more will come to you." 

Love and Light,


The ABC's of Your 123's ~N is for Name Numerology~

The ABC’s of your 123’s
N is for Name Numerology


By using Numerology to decode our name we have learned how to arrive at the:

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Name Numerology. Below I have broken down the first name and the middle name with an example from my AboutMe book which is a personalized numerology activity book for parents and toddlers. I have included my interpretation of the name number.

 First name= represents the physical self, health, finances, relationships

Example:  B  R  Y  N  N      (1)   

                   2   +   9   +  7    +  5    + 5  =  28 Add until you get a single digit
                              2+8= 10, 1+0 = 1 

(1)    Gaining confidence in self by finding creative outlets is very important. A child with a 1 representing physical self will need more movement and body awareness than the average child.  


Middle name= represents emotional self, what you keep hidden or guard closely

Example: O   L   I   V    I    A   (5)-

                    6     + 3 +   9   +   4    +    9     + 1 =  32

(5)= flexible, loves freedom, physical, enjoys life, loves innovation and change. The 5 energy can tend to the dramatic, a helpful characteristic when use in the performance arts- maybe not so much in toddlers or teens- ha!  Understanding the 5 can be free flowing and fluctuating (this too will pass) will be helpful.  

1 and 5 -Both of these numbers are physical energies. Movement (5) and Creativity (1). The essence of this is captured in the picture below where this child is using a toy as a ladder! Most toddlers are on the go, this toddler is doubly so. She also is a 21/3 Life Path- this increase the creativity (3) and independence (1).

Name Numerology.jpg


The toddler activities for these two interpretations are in The ABC’s of Your 123’s K is for Kids post. Here is the writing activity included in the book. In hindsight, this toddler may not be ready to sit and write just yet, if so, expect it in small amounts.

Name Numerology for toddlers jpg.JPG


Would you like an Activity book created for a toddler in your life? Send me an email, I’d love to create one. 

Love and Light,



The ABC's of Your 123's ~I is for Inner Self~

Numerology for Inner Self by TriciaGunberg .JPG

The ABC’s of Your 123’s
I is for Inner Self
Using Numerology to Tune Into Yourself

There are over 30 numbers that can be calculated from your date of birth and your names (first, middle, last, madden, and married). Numerology translates the meaning, or energy, of these numbers. This translation has helped me say ‘yes’ to who I am and help others do the same.

You know some of these number meanings already. The one, for instance, is about leadership and being first. The two, as in ‘it takes two to tango’, is about balance. Yin and yang, the perfect symbol of the number two’s energy. The 8 is the infinity sign standing up which means manifestation and abundance.

So far, we have discussed two other numbers derived from your name: the Expression Number and the Heart’s Desire number. Through understanding ourselves better we will find more joy. This is of course, is so that we can say YES to who we are more often. Abraham Hicks and Eckart Tolle, two of the many teachers that speak of this, teach us that saying yes to the present moment brings us peace.

If you are not saying yes to the moment, you are actually resisting it. This causes us unnecessary stress. So, how are we resisting, you might wonder. Here is a short list, as there are many others:

Being late
Telling lies (even little white ones to spare people’s feelings)
Getting angry
Over eating
Over drinking
Being depressed
Putting ourselves last

How many times a day do you reset who you really are? Don’t judge, just ask yourself. This awareness is a good place to start. Notice when you do any of the above. For a more positive approach and any time you want to raise your spirits (vibration) find out something nice about yourself through Numerology. Before you know it, you’ll being accepting more moments every day, creating peace, grace and JOY. 

Let’s take a look at your Inner Self number so you can use this to get to the yummy bits that are YOU. The Inner Self number is derived from your name numerology. It is the sum of all the consonants and describes your secret dreams. It is how you picture yourself and often the first impression someone gets of you.

4 Numerology by Tricia Gunberg.JPG

I went from a 6 to a 4 when I got married. No, not my jean size, my Inner Self number. Swapping the last name Servi for Gunberg gave me a dash more practicality (energy of the 4) to tap into. The math for my name at birth adds to a 6, the Inner Self numerology on Tricia Elizabeth Gunberg adds to a 4. The 4, as the Inner Self is described as; “A pillar of society upon which who all could depend.”

Yes, please! This is what I aspire to. My true Inner Self. The ‘self’ I kept hidden for a long time. The name changed helped me, mostly because I became aware.

The concept of changing your name specifically to create an outcome is a common use for numerology. According to Numerologist Norman Shine, “Many divorces might have been avoided by the wife keeping her maiden name.” He does go onto say that it is dangerous to generalize as some women ‘prefer the new awareness that comes with a name change and stay married for life...’ This is a good point, regardless of what the numerology says, if you do not have a solid sense of who you are before you are married, you will not have the ‘new awareness’ of the change your new name has created. 

I understand this; the effect of a name change is equivalent to the amount of work you put into it.

Hans Decoz defines your Inner Self number: “Serves as a censoring device, both in terms of what you send out, as well as what you allow to approach. It discriminates in the kinds of people and information you let enter your heart and mind.”

How will you use this to tune into yourself?

Make it fun! If I am overwhelmed by being ‘a pillar of society upon who all depend’, then I immediately start resisting who I am. This statement would not have resonated with me ten years ago, seven years ago it would have made me anxious. Today, I consider who might be relying on me. Do clients rely on me to give them clear readings and empowering/inspiring posts? They do, but since my work is fun for me and flows from me, the responsibility does not make me anxious. Do I get nervous when I do my posts or submit my work? Yep, that is how I know I’m on the right track. 

Similar to your Heart’s Desire, knowing your Inner Self number allows you to look at yourself in different light. Use this chart to calculate your Inner Self number.

Add all the consonants of your name to get your Inner Self number. Reduce it to a single digit unless it adds to an 11 or 22.

Number Letter Chart Tricia Gunberg.JPG

This list of Inner Self numbers interpreted from Numerology by infiniteNIL

1 dreams of being a loner, courageous, daring, fair, loyal, original, a leader and promoter of new ideas

2 dreams of being surrounded by loved ones in an atmosphere of peace and harmony.

3 dreams of being popular, attractive, artistic, creative and applauded and appreciated by an audience

4 dreams of being strong, reliable, practical, hard-working, a pillar of society upon whom all depend

5 dreams of being a world traveler, leading a life of adventure unhampered by ties or responsibilities

6 inner Self Numerology Tricia Gunberg.jpg

6 dreams of being the center of an adoring family, of running a beautiful home that is open to all of their friends

7 dreams of being surrounded by books in an atmosphere of peace, quiet and beauty. They dream of being a wise person whom other people come to consult

8 dreams of conducting business on an enormous scale, of being a powerful executive surrounded by opulence and having a large staff


9 dreams of being artistic, humanitarian, eager to serve, understanding of the sufferings of other people, giver of comfort and advice

11 is an inspired visionary who would gladly die for their ideals

22 dreams of being a master planner and builder, uniting all nations and countries in constructive activity to benefit all mankind


How can you insert this into your life? Have you done it in small amounts already?

I’d love to hear from you.

Love and Light,



What is your Heart's Desire?

Do you know your heart's desire?

If you already know what type of things you desire, take time to write them down. (Yep, right now!) What does the world look like to you? What does your employment feel like? How do you enjoy your time? What can your body do/feel? If you would like some help or would like to expand on your thoughts…THINK BIG, like beyond your wildest dreams, I suggest taking a look at your numerology. Your Hearts Desire number more specifically, also known as the Soul’s Urge or Motivation number, describes your soul's purpose for being here.

What is your HD jpeg.JPG

Would you like to know how Numerology defines your Heart's Desire? First let me explain why  I am  asking.  As you may already know, my belief is that the more often we say "yes" to who we are and the present moment the more joy/magic/peace we will create.  I also believe that NOW, at this monumental time in history, with the power of the solar eclipse and the Age of Aquarius, knowing our heart's desire is very important.  

A magnanimous time is upon us with this Solar Eclipse- not for 99 years has the earth experienced such strong forces. Just as the energy of numerology will assist us on our journey,  the planets gives us information and energy too. Combining them makes so much sense! 

This energy of the eclipse gives us a chance for new beginnings. The 1 energy of 2017 (2+0+1+7=10, 1+0=1) is also for new beginnings. Oh, this reminds me, we are setting the stage this year for the next 9 years, but given the situation, most likely for the rest of our lives!  Note that we may have to make room by giving a few things up, but maybe those ‘things’ are not what you think. For example, let’s say you are really upset about world events and wish everyone would treat each other better. 

              Could you treat other's better, including yourself?

Here are some ideas:

Giving up sarcasm and start saying what you mean.
Giving up one thing that is not good for your body.
Giving up using angry words at pets, children or your body.
Giving up being in too bsuy to enjoy life.
Giving up violent news, movies, games or hobbies.
Giving up things that are upsetting. 
How do we let go of some of this stuff?

Okay, now it is time to get positive. Some of that stuff I listed just goes away without much effort just by:

being mindful

setting intentions

day dreaming

meditating for 15 minutes a day

I believe very much in the law of attraction. You know ‘birds of a feather’ and such. If you want to create more love, peace and harmony, or even more thoughtful people, it needs to expand off you… which in turn attracts more to it. This is a potent time for such attraction as the eclipses energy will be with us for a least a month. Taking a few moments to cast your heart’s desire.  

To find your Heart’s Desire, add all the vowels in your full name. Refer to the conversion chart to get a number for each letter in your name. It is fun to see the different energy that is created when you do your birth name and a name change. For instance, my HD went from an 8 energy to an 11 energy with Gunberg as my last name. I didn’t know this at the time, but I am glad I made the name change because an 11 is, “Visionary who wants to be surrounded by like people” really is my Heart’s Desire.

Here is the conversion chart:

Numerology Chart from "Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness" by Tricia Gunberg

Numerology Chart from "Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness" by Tricia Gunberg

After adding up all the vowels in your name look below for a brief description based on that number. For more information on your HD, my book “Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness” has the word list for each number 1-9, starting on page 8 (Amazon eBook for only $3.99, click here). You can also book a reading with me. and get insight to all 23 numbers in your chart.


1 wants to be a leader and is ambitious

2 craves love and understanding, prefers to follow and partnerships

Heart's Desire Numerology by Tricia Gunberg

Heart's Desire Numerology by Tricia Gunberg

3 loves an audience, many friends and to be surrounded by beauty

4 needs structure, order and rules, wants to work to help others

5 must have variety, personal freedom, and new opportunities

6 desires to create harmony and family, to right all wrongs

7 wants to dream and meditate, upset by noise, menial work, physical discomfort and confusion

8 big business, getting things done

9 requires knowledge, wants to teach, counsel and serve humanity

Doing what we love is so very important. Especially if we are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated or anxious. Love is like Jello, there is always room! May you be blessed with more of your Heart's Desire in 2017 and onward.

Love and Light,
