Copy of Loving Yourself More; It is as easy as 1,2,3

#ThrowBackThursday...loving yourself more can never get old!

Loving yourself is as easy as 1 2 3....

Using Numerology to appreciate and love yourself

Video Version

You understand how important it is to love yourself, right? Those around you are a reflection of how you do that.

Take a moment and look at your life from this perspective.  Close your eyes right now and take a look.

 Are you getting all the love you want? Is your heart about to burst at the seems with all the love you are receiving? Or could you use a tad more?

As we get older we get better at loving and accepting ourselves. Part of this maturity comes from having children. They expand your heart in such a big way. Our children remind us we are all intrinsically good and easy to love.

What if you struggle to love yourself fully? That would be me. That is my struggle, still. It is a hard thing to admit. Most important though is realizing we could all love ourselves a bit more. Once we accept this we can move forward in doing so.

Often I see this resistance to self love and acceptance while giving readings. When I tell a client something true about themselves, they quickly dismiss what I am saying. This reaction reminds me of myself and I console myself with the hope they will accept the message at some point.

Recently I gave a reading to a 30/3, telling her she is social and her numbers indicated leadership. She laughed, “That is totally not me.” Later she admitted to being offered more responsibility at work and didn’t take it on out of fear. The reading I gave her changed her mind, not only that but after she took on more responsibility at work, she started a side hustle of running her own business. Beautiful!

Loving yourself fully is not easy. It requires you to be vulnerable. Most of all, it requires you to not give a shit about what people will say or think. They will get over it, and if they don’t, oh well. You have bigger fish to fry and can not let them hold you back.

Back in 2004, I had my first practice at doing what I needed to do to honor myself and not listen to others. I was still feeling a bit lost, even after graduating from college. A quote on my bulletin board nudged at me. The quote was about how moving forward meant you would be leaving others behind. The desire in me to move forward grew. It asked me to leave my home town and to end a relationship with a man I loved very much. Moving would upset some people, they were going to be angry, but I had to do it. In retrospect, I am so glad I listened to my inner voice.

So much can be gained when you get yourself into new, all be it, uncomfortable situations. Start small.

Here are a few suggestions based on your Numerology. First, use this formula to calculate your Health and Wellness Life Path.

Find the Engery of you DOB or What is your Life Path.JPG

Chart also available in my book, Say YES to Who You Are to Create FItness


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Leadership and Weirdness

No matter where your 1 appears in your Health and Wellness Life Path you must find a place where you can be a leader, a place where you call all the shots. Focus on what makes you unique- this is hard to do, I know. Most often I ask my clients to consider what they think makes them weird- that is were you need to go, to your weirdness. 


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The fact that you are sensitive makes this really hard to tell you: Get over yourself. You are WAY to busy worrying about other people that you can’t see the forest through the trees. Your sensitivity is there for a reason, so you can tune into yourself, not others. Here is a new motto for you to live by:

                Help, if asked, but only if you love the task.

Resentment will eat you alive if you do not start doing things you enjoy. You help no one by ‘doing’ anything that makes you angry, resentful, tired or irritated.



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You 3’s can be kinda stubborn. This stubbornness is a helpful attribute when you have found creative outlets you enjoy doing and won’t give up. On the other hand, if your stubbornness insists on believing shit like; “I don’t have the money” or more famous, “I don’t have the time,” you’re in trouble. The creative expression that is the 3 needs to be expressed. If you have not experienced everyway and all ways to creatively express yourself, you might be one hot mess. You are full of creative energy that needs to be expressed. Find a way, now. A good place to start is by writing. Costs you nothing, you already have the tools. “Blah”, is what I call this exercise; set your timer for 5 minutes, write whatever comes to your mind. Even if it is, ‘nothing comes to my mind, this is stupid, I’m not a writer.’ Do this every day for a minimum of 2 weeks or follow the prompts in The Artists Way.  


Please explore some ways to love on yourself, even if you are convinced you do a good job. You’ll be helping the Universe by sending out that loving energy.

If you enjoy these posts send some love my way by; sharing, commenting, inviting others, donating at or purchasing my products.

Say YES to who you are to create more love!

Say YES to who you are to create more love!

Love and Light,


Free March Guidance 2017

You need not worry about the condition of the world, only the condition of your own heart. The black moon time upon us is not, I repeat, is NOT the darkness as in the dark side, rather this darkness is the time in between. The dark before the light. It needs not be the dark night of the soul unless YOU chose this route.

You have MARCHING orders. Attend to this dark. A rest. A respite. A time to ‘turn in’ (sleep, rest, rethink) and see the light in your heart. This talk of love in the Time of Aquarius will not go away- it will draw you closer.  Here is what we mean:

To calculate your Life Path Number, add all the digits of your birthdate until you get a single digit. For example November 30, 1975 is calculated: 1+1+3+1+9+7+5 = 27,  2+7 = 9. This person’s Life Path Number is a 9 so they would scroll down to "9".

 Life Path 1-Don’t allow others to guide you. No input from others, in any form, is needed. Your hearts-desire is your light.

Life Path 2-When you are at your most frustrated and frazzled THIS is your light. These emotions, though dark, illuminate your hearts yearning.

 Life Path 3- You don’t need any more creative ideas. What you need is a way to proceed with ONE of them. Which one gives you goose bumps? Start that.


Life Path 4- Your mojo can create some ‘darkness’ because not everyone wants to play by your rules. Sometimes you don’t either. Flow is needed. Play is needed. Allow.

Life Path 5- Your definitely, definitely, going through some major change. FIGHTING it creates darkness. ASK what the change is about or look at it differently. You need to do this or the darkness about it won’t change.  

Life Path 6- Piece. Peace. Sounds the same but NOT the same energy. You are giving pieces of yourself away which does not create peace in your heart.

Life Path 7-When was the last time you gave into one of your desires? Oh, boy! The TRUTH (aka: the light) about this will come to you in a weird way. Shit, it might even look like darkness. (this happened to me recently…I totally get this so if you have questions send me an email)

Life Path 8-With so much coming your way, the light for you is in how you share it. The eight on its side is infinity. This is how much ______ (love?) comes to you and how much ____ (love?) you have to give. Fill in the blanks with what feels good to you. 

Life Path 9-The universe will serve you better when you serve it better. How is this? The beauty of the 9 is your predisposition to KNOW. You know, fear is blocking you.

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Love and Light,


My book, Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness will help you love on yourself to gain healthy new fitness habits. It’s available at Amazon, Barns and Noble, and Balboa Press.

February 2017 Guidance

by Tricia Gunberg

You are love and love is you. Can you imagine a world where EVERYONE is in love? If you are 'in love': with life, with people, your home, your experiences, I guarantee that the WORLD will feel in 'love' to you. Please try. Here is guidance to help based on your Numerology.

To calculate your Life Path Number, add all the digits of your birthdate until you get a single digit. For example November 30, 1975 is calculated: 1+1+3+1+9+7+5 = 27,  2+7 = 9. This person’s Life Path Number is a 9 so they would scroll down to "9".

 Life Path 1- Be alert to all things that ‘twirl your skirt’, attend to those more.

Life Path 2- You need to feel the love. Where are you and what are you doing when you feel it? Wash yourself in it, rinse and repeat.

Life Path 3- Bring what you know about love to others and see what happens.

Life Path 4- When you catch yourself being in a loving ‘place’, retrace your steps and write it down. Use it to create your to-do list.

Life Path 5- For excitement you often get others involved in things they love. Search your heart, where is the love in your life? Find it for yourself.

Life Path 6- Those that need to express their love, come to you to share. Share with them in a way that supports both of you.

Life Path 7- You can be the bridge for others. Finding the love bridge for yourself can be tricky but it is well worth the journey.

Life Path 8- Getting tired of giving? This shows up as resentment, disappointment and expectation. Only give what you love to give and only then will it feel good.

Life Path 9- For the world to love its self, you will need to love you. BIG responsibility. How do you love yourself? Make a list, start participating.

My book, Say Yes to Who You Are to Create Fitness will help you love on yourself to gain healthy new fitness habits. It’s available at Amazon, Barns and Noble, and Balboa Press.

Love and Light,
