Personalized Affirmations with Life Path Numbers

Using Life Path numbers to create Affirmations!

Create your own Affirmations with attributes from my book “Say YES to Who You Are to Create Fitness” !

Create your own Affirmations with attributes from my book “Say YES to Who You Are to Create Fitness” !

Inspired by my Grounding, Healing and Intuitive Workshop, (view workshop here) I have created affirmations for you based on your Life Path number. For more on your life path number go to “L is for Life Path”

Life Path formula.JPG

Add up all the digit of your Your Life Path is the sum of all the digits of your date of birth. Numbers contain energy and when applied to things, provide meaning. They speak to you, much like music, at the soul level. When you align yourself with the numbers in your cart, amazing things happen. Besides your date of birth, a date on the calendar, even your middle name can be defined using Numerology.

Here are two examples from Dan Millman, on his Life Path advice in his book “The Life You Were Born to Live”. You can use his words to create affirmations about yourself!


 Please, feel free to use my book to discover your numerology and for the attributes of the numbers 1-9.

Love and Light,



J is for Joy and Judgment

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J is for Joy and Judgment

Numerology for Self-Mastery

By Tricia Gunberg

Did I have you at ‘joy’?

Why do we not make more of an effort to create joy?

The current 2020 energy of ‘clear vision’ and deceptive Neptune in retrograde is asking us to release illusion.

So I invite you to ask this about yourself, especially now.

Berene Brown says, “In the absence of love and belonging there will always be suffering.”

It seems that so much needs to be accomplished before one can do this joy thing. Brown writes a list, ten steps long, of what we need to let of to get there. It’s a pretty overwhelming list. She admits to only accomplishing a few of them herself.

There are no short cuts to things that are worth doing so when your ready, check out Browns method. In the meantime, I have a suggestion.

Be selfish until you are selfless.

Brushing your teeth is a selfish act- keeping your body clean for your comfort- totally selfish. Oh, the joy your spread when you don’t have bad breath- see selfishness turns to selflessness. You didn’t even know you were giving someone joy when you brushed your teeth! Another example is taking a bath. Boy, would we lose friends fast if we stopped doing that. You got it, the fresh they smell around you, makes them joyful. It truly does.

These may seem silly but sometimes it is really the little things.

Like, the time it takes you to compliment yourself. It will have an affect on the people in your life. They feel the jolt of happiness and proceed to send it to more people. You are complimenting yourself- it is a selfish act, but when you are confident, your positive energy is sent out radiating joy to everyone you pass.

Be selfish until you are selfless.

The J is for judgment is referring to the Law of No Judgment. Not judging something good or bad. This is especially tricky for those with a 6 in their Health and Wellness Path number due to their perfectionistic nature. If you have ever felt judged you understand how defeating it can feel. Do you judge yourself?

Can we all agree that it does not feel good to be judged and we do too much of it? Dan Millman says, “Judgments block energy, holding negative patterns in place.”

No more judgments.

Let’s bring more joy instead!

Here is your Super Power based on your Numerology, start using it to compliment yourself today! Add all the digits of your birthday until you get a single digit. Click here to get “What is Your Superpower?”

Love and Light,





FIRST Post on “J is for Joy” :

The ABC’s of your 123’s
J is for Joy  
Using Numerology to see your Joy


Chinese Proverb:

One joy scatters one hundred griefs.


You bring joy to the world my beautiful friend.

Add all the digits of your birthday to a single digit to discover how you bring joy to others.

Find the Engery of you DOB or What is your Life Path.JPG

Look for the single digit below. 


1- you bring joy with your uniqueness.

One Numerology Tricia Gubnerg (1).JPG

2- your deep compassion and sensitivity brings people joy.

3- your ability to creatively express yourself brings those around you so much joy.

4- people can count on you, this gives them a sense of peace and joy.

5- you inspire joy in people with your sense of adventure.

6- your unconditional love draws people to you to fill their heart with healing and joy.

Life Path 7 Numerology Tricia GunbergPhoto.jpg

7- your enthusiasm for knowledge motivates the same joy in others.

8- your generosity fills people with joy.

9- you’re fun loving whimsy brings people joy. 



Be in your joy.

Be yourself.

We need you.


Love and Light,


The ABC's of Your 123's ~L is for Life Path~

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The ABC’s of your 123’s
L is for Life Path
How Tricia Gunberg uses Numerology to explain your Life Path

Your Life Path is the sum of all the digits of your date of birth. Numbers contain energy and when applied to things, provide meaning. They speak to you, much like music, at the soul level. When you align yourself with the numbers in your cart, amazing things happen.  Besides your date of birth, a date on the calendar, even your middle name can be defined using Numerology.

For example: 2017, when we add up all the digits we get a 10, adding it again we get a 1. The energy of the 1 is about new beginnings, uniqueness and a start of a new cycle. We had the first US president elected that had no military or political background- a unique first. #Metoo had started a unique approach to stopping sexual crimes.

Adding up all the numbers in your birthday until you get a single digit, gives us what numerologists call, a Life Path number. Most numerologist have you add all digit to a single digit like so:

What is your Life Path Tricia Gunberg.JPG

Much emphasis is put on the final digit, or Life Path. A search on “Life Path Number” yields 56,700,000 results. (Don’t confuse me with the other Numerologist Trisha G. from the UK, my name is spelled Tricia and I always include my last name; Gunberg. She discusses Master Numbers a bit more and does live YouTube discussions.) Dan Millman's book has  guided me from the beginning. He does an eloquent job of describing your life’s purpose. For example; “Individuals working 2 as their life purpose are here to clarify the limits of their responsibility and learn to work with others in a spirit of harmony, balance, and mutual support.” The 2 has the challenge of balancing their compelling sense of responsibility to others with their own inner needs. After working with 2’s, I recognized this challenge and in trying to explain Dan's statement I came up with this interpretation:

"Only say YES when asked and only if you love the task." 
                    ~Best advice for a Life Path 2, from Tricia Gunberg~

Through the many readings I have done over the last 8 years, I found the numbers that add together are just as important as the single digit Life Path number itself.   All of these numbers provide clarity, direction and focus for your life and goals. The biggest most important factor I have come to understand:

Numerology provides truth.

The truth about yourself. I refer to these truths as attributes. This is especially true for the aforementioned 2’s. Understanding themselves and finding that balance is so important.

“Know Thy Self”

It is important to know the truth about yourself because it creates harmony. For this reason I named my book: “Saying YES to Who You Are to Create Fitness”.  Knowing your truth can only create harmony if you say “YES” to it. Embracing who you are is necessary. It is in the resisting of who we are that creates problems and frustration. I didn’t come up with this concept, I just create tools to help us in this journey. Many gurus, including Eckart Tolle and Abraham Hicks teach this by telling us to accept the present moment.

In my book, your Life Path number is used to give you Health and Wellness guidance. See the sample below.  In a typical numerology reading with me, I use all the numbers of your Life Path. You could have 3, 4 or 5 numbers. I list your attributes, (your super powers)- you have many, a few of your challenges and your Health and Wellness guidance.

Here is an example of a reading for a 21/3

 This is a Life Path 3, with the energy of all 3 different numbers: 2, 1 and 3 being important.

Your super powers for a 21/3 or 12/3 Life Path:



Creative Expression


Life Path 2 Numerology Tricia Gunbergjpg


2  represents the letters B,K and T












Life Path 1 Photo.jpg



1   represents the letters A, J and







Physical body





Life Path 3 Tricia Gunberg Photo.jpg


3  (Letters C, L and U)














The suggested reading/study for the Life Path 21/3 or 12/3 is all three of the digits in 'Say YES to Who You Are to Create Fitness'. I have included the reading for the 2 Life Path, directly from my book, below. For a 21/3 or 12/3 Life Path, working with the 2 energy is important. For the rest of your numbers consult my book or schedule a reading with me.  By studying your word lists for each number, you can see which of the numbers give you the most challenges.

Since many of you have a 2 in your Life Path, I would like to share my guidance with you. You are beautiful sensitive soles and the world needs you. Taking care of yourself is step one in taking care of others.

2 Health and Wellness Path
You need exercise to release muscular tension, requires attention to breath and balance. Examples: yoga, Pilates, step aerobics, sex-ooh, this is tension releasing and deep breathing!  Include independent activities for yourself and above all choose what YOU like. Try uplifting movement with music, dancing, or deep breathing. Add beauty to your workout by choosing appealing colors and fabrics you wear to workout. Consider how you can beautify the surroundings. Include stretching and meditation every day.  If the idea of meditation does not appeal to you let me give you some tidbits. First, meditation does not have to be long. Secondly, it is not necessary to try to ‘clear your mind’. By putting your mind on one thing, you are doing a form of meditation. If your mind wanders, bring it back. Your mind will wander, this is not ‘failure’ on your part. Do not judge yourself when your mind does this. The awareness that your mind wandered is the work. Therefore, catching yourself when your mind wanders is what meditation is about. Here are some meditation ideas to get you started. Please try them.
Five Minute Meditation Ideas
·         Dry Brushing- before showering, use a dry brush on your entire body. Your goal is to keep your mind where your brush is (on your body) and offer positive thoughts with each brush stroke.
·         Forehead Down- on a desk or table, fold your arms on top of each other, placing your forehead on arms, scoot your chair back until comfortable. Breathe here until you feel complete.
·         Mind In Your Body- sit or lay comfortably, starting at your head, putting your mind in each body part as you make your way down your body. Stay in each body part as long as you like or until you feel a sensation.
·         I Love My Feet- before bed, massage your feet with lotion or oil. As you work, thank your feet for all they do for you.
·         Love My Hands- do this any time of the day, especially if you use your hands for work. Massage them and thank them for all the tasks they attend to.
I need to repeat, the exercise you choose needs to be something you want to do. You will soon see, it is in the choosing, you fail yourself. Let’s make this clear, pretend you only get one chance to choose. Imagine you can only pick one kind of exercise, only one. Close your eyes, take a few breaths and choose. Now, what did you choose? You can also know by choosing what it is you truly desire, in itself, is a lesson for you. You will not do anyone any good if you continue to make choices based on what others think or what others want.
Your only problem losing weight as a two, is when you create limits for yourself. If you only have thirty minutes to walk because your schedule is too full, you do not get the benefits of a sixty-minute walk. It is best if you allow yourself more time and stop when you feel like it. “Feeling” is the key here. When you allow yourself to feel, you will soon be able to use this as your guide and be true to yourself. Honoring yourself in this way will inspire much weight loss.
When twos make food choices, consider the area in which it is consumed. It is important the environment be peaceful to fully enjoy the meal. A better connection to the food will be made. Consider talking to your food. This might sound crazy, heck it looks crazy, but it creates a relationship. No need to talk out loud, only to pause for a moment to set an intention. Tell the food to nourish your body fully and to bring all the energy necessary. If you can create a loving relationship between your food and body, (balance) you will no longer struggle with your weight. This relationship is one of creating balance which is one of your lessons in life.

Affirmations: “My food goes into my body creating all the energy I need. I love my food and what it can do for my body.”

Understand the Life Path gives us just 2-5 of the numbers in our charts. So much more can be gleamed from other numbers, about 30 or so of them! Your life path is a good place to start though. I encourage you to explore all the ways to self-actualization. When you know you self, you will love and appreciate yourself more!

Love and Light,



The ABC's of Your 123's ~ J is for Joy ~

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The ABC’s of your 123’s
J is for Joy  
Using Numerology to see your Joy


Chinese Proverb:

One joy scatters one hundred griefs.


You bring joy to the world my beautiful friend.

Add all the digits of your birthday to a single digit to discover how you bring joy to others.

Find the Engery of you DOB or What is your Life Path.JPG

Look for the single digit below. 


1- you bring joy with your uniqueness.

One Numerology Tricia Gubnerg (1).JPG

2- your deep compassion and sensitivity brings people joy.

3- your ability to creatively express yourself brings those around you so much joy.

4- people can count on you, this gives them a sense of peace and joy.

5- you inspire joy in people with your sense of adventure.

6- your unconditional love draws people to you to fill their heart with healing and joy.

Life Path 7 Numerology Tricia GunbergPhoto.jpg

7- your enthusiasm for knowledge motivates the same joy in others.

8- your generosity fills people with joy.

9- you’re fun loving whimsy brings people joy. 



Be in your joy.

Be yourself.

We need you.


Love and Light,
