J is for Joy and Judgment

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J is for Joy and Judgment

Numerology for Self-Mastery

By Tricia Gunberg

Did I have you at ‘joy’?

Why do we not make more of an effort to create joy?

The current 2020 energy of ‘clear vision’ and deceptive Neptune in retrograde is asking us to release illusion.

So I invite you to ask this about yourself, especially now.

Berene Brown says, “In the absence of love and belonging there will always be suffering.”

It seems that so much needs to be accomplished before one can do this joy thing. Brown writes a list, ten steps long, of what we need to let of to get there. It’s a pretty overwhelming list. She admits to only accomplishing a few of them herself.

There are no short cuts to things that are worth doing so when your ready, check out Browns method. In the meantime, I have a suggestion.

Be selfish until you are selfless.

Brushing your teeth is a selfish act- keeping your body clean for your comfort- totally selfish. Oh, the joy your spread when you don’t have bad breath- see selfishness turns to selflessness. You didn’t even know you were giving someone joy when you brushed your teeth! Another example is taking a bath. Boy, would we lose friends fast if we stopped doing that. You got it, the fresh they smell around you, makes them joyful. It truly does.

These may seem silly but sometimes it is really the little things.

Like, the time it takes you to compliment yourself. It will have an affect on the people in your life. They feel the jolt of happiness and proceed to send it to more people. You are complimenting yourself- it is a selfish act, but when you are confident, your positive energy is sent out radiating joy to everyone you pass.

Be selfish until you are selfless.

The J is for judgment is referring to the Law of No Judgment. Not judging something good or bad. This is especially tricky for those with a 6 in their Health and Wellness Path number due to their perfectionistic nature. If you have ever felt judged you understand how defeating it can feel. Do you judge yourself?

Can we all agree that it does not feel good to be judged and we do too much of it? Dan Millman says, “Judgments block energy, holding negative patterns in place.”

No more judgments.

Let’s bring more joy instead!

Here is your Super Power based on your Numerology, start using it to compliment yourself today! Add all the digits of your birthday until you get a single digit. Click here to get “What is Your Superpower?”

Love and Light,





FIRST Post on “J is for Joy” :

The ABC’s of your 123’s
J is for Joy  
Using Numerology to see your Joy


Chinese Proverb:

One joy scatters one hundred griefs.


You bring joy to the world my beautiful friend.

Add all the digits of your birthday to a single digit to discover how you bring joy to others.

Find the Engery of you DOB or What is your Life Path.JPG

Look for the single digit below. 


1- you bring joy with your uniqueness.

One Numerology Tricia Gubnerg (1).JPG

2- your deep compassion and sensitivity brings people joy.

3- your ability to creatively express yourself brings those around you so much joy.

4- people can count on you, this gives them a sense of peace and joy.

5- you inspire joy in people with your sense of adventure.

6- your unconditional love draws people to you to fill their heart with healing and joy.

Life Path 7 Numerology Tricia GunbergPhoto.jpg

7- your enthusiasm for knowledge motivates the same joy in others.

8- your generosity fills people with joy.

9- you’re fun loving whimsy brings people joy. 



Be in your joy.

Be yourself.

We need you.


Love and Light,


Q and A Saturday: Question from Quora ~ What does my Numerology Predict? ~

What can numerology predict anything for this birth date? August 24, 1969, I predict you are going to read this and Say YES to who you are 😉!

Welcome to the best decade of your life😁. It might not feel perfectly true right this moment, but stick with me. Your fifties are about change and you are ready for it! I am 20 days older then you so you need to listen to your elders! Bahaha! When I add all the digits of your birthday I get a 39. We add it again to get a 12 and once more to get a 3. Your Health and Wellness Path Number is: 39/12/3. For more on Life Path numbers go to my blog post L is for Life Path.

(Month) + (Day) + (Year) = _____

 ( ___ +___ ) + ( ___ +___ ) +  ( ___ +___ +  ___ +___ )    =  ___

  ____ + ___ = ____

What Numerology Predicts using your Life Path

As a 39/12/3 Life Path- I hope you have experienced your creative expression (3) and found some way to be ‘on the stage or on the page’. Your humanitarian (9) efforts have found some place in your life by now.

9 Numerology Health and Wellness by Tricia Gunberg check size.png

The 9 repeats in your Personal Year number; this year (2020) is about letting go which will make room for new exciting things next year. If I had to guess you will need to let go of your insecurities and start doing things that are uncomfortable. To discover how your personal year is calculated go to my blog page P is for Personal Year.

What Numerology Predicts using your Health and Wellness Life Path Number

39/12/3 Health and Wellness*Life Path

You have three 3’s….oh goodness, and a 1! If you’re not expressing all of this creative energy, you’re in trouble. If this energy gets stuck in the body (Where the hell is it going to go if you’re not using it?) it causes havoc. Often it’s trapped in the hips, causing misalignment in your knees and back. Stretching your hips and loving on them with massage is mandatory. Here is a bit more:

3 Health and Wellness Path

Expressive movement suits you best, like Zumba or interpretive dance. Find inspiring energetic music or write your own. Chose music to mirror your current feelings and move with it. Consider teaching, leading or creating a fitness class. Your creativity and enthusiasm alone make you qualified for such an endeavor. A few places you can shine: MeetUp.com, Baby and Me fitness club, or neighborhood park. Share the price of a babysitter with a group of friends and workout at the park.

Threes are sometimes competitive, with an internal need to show others what you can do. This is good for somethings, but not for your overall physical fitness. In general, playing a game such as golf, volleyball or bowling should not count as exercise, it will not be enough. Moving each day in the manner of your mood, will be very helpful. If you are signed up for a game, requiring you to run back and forth and it is a day you would rather dance, this outlet will not help. You need to stay in-tuned to the yearnings of your body, listen to it and do as it asks. Some days your body will only ask to be stretched, some days it will need to run a marathon. Well, not an actual marathon, but it may need to extend itself past preconceived limits, for emotional energies can be trapped and need to be pounded out. If you get the feeling “Oh I need to go for a run,” do it. Wear good shoes and run as much as you can tolerate. Stretch well afterwards and take a bath or get a massage. Your body needs you to listen to it, it has much more good information for you if you do.

Once a routine of 4-5 days a week for a month has been accomplished, you can begin to limit foods. No single food (sweet, salty, savory) is usually the culprit. Most of all, threes like to eat. This is good as it creates a good relationship with food. What you need to do is consider where food comes from and what work went into producing it and getting it to you. When you understand most meals do not “grow on trees” you will have a greater respect for what is on the plate. Participating in the process of a meal fully helps you will realize, a great amount of energy went into its preparation, thus forging the respect even further.

If you want to cut down on how much you eat or change what choices are made, it is best to become more involved with the process. Learn more about food in general by reading packages. If you do not recognize a word on the ingredient list, look it up. If you make it a rule never to eat anything you do not recognize, you will never have to worry about weight. When you tire of reading packages, your food choices will be fresh fruits and veggies…beautiful.

Threes occasionally need to do a cleanse. Not the crazy “no food for days on end” type of cleanse, but a gentle one. It can be a juice cleanse or a water fast, but only for a day or two. This will help you respect food and what it does for your body. It will also give your system a much needed break. Flushing the body with pure water is good, adding a little lemon is even better. There are many great websites by doctors and nutritionist with good guidelines. Or consult with a qualified doctor to make the best choice. If you check in with your own doctor, and are advised against it, find another doctor who supports you.

What Numerology Predicts for Your Attributes

To find out more about attributes go to A is for Attributes. I also predict that you will seek time for introspection this year. This question you posted is part of this energy. (Forth Turning Point =7) You will pull away from others, spend more time in meditation and to study the deeper meanings of life. Let your family and dearest friends know this so they don’t worry. You are so social they will think you have lost your mind when really you’re beginning to explore it. It will help you figure out the 9 business above as well as the 1. I’m so excited for you!

*from ‘Say YES to Who You Are to Create Fitness’

Love and Light,


Q and A Saturday: Question from Quora ~ What does my Numerology Predict? ~

What can numerology predict anything for this birth date? August 24, 1969, I predict you are going to read this and Say YES to who you are 😉!

Welcome to the best decade of your life😁. I am 20 days older then you so you need to listen to your elders! Bahaha! When I add all the digits of your birthday I get a 39. We add it again to get a 12 and once more to get a 3. Your Health and Wellness Path Number is: 39/12/3. For more on Life Path numbers go to my blog post L is for Life Path.

(Month) + (Day) + (Year) = _____

 ( ___ +___ ) + ( ___ +___ ) +  ( ___ +___ +  ___ +___ )    =  ___

  ____ + ___ = ____

As a 39/12/3 Life Path- I hope you have experienced your creative expression (3) and found some way to be ‘on the stage or on the page’. Your humanitarian (9) efforts have found some place in your life by now.

9 Numerology Health and Wellness by Tricia Gunberg check size.png

The 9 repeats in your Personal Year number; this year (2020) is about letting go which will make room for new exciting things next year. To discover your personal year go to my blog page P is for Personal Year.

39/12/3 Health and Wellness*Life Path

You have three 3’s….oh goodness, and a 1! If you’re not expressing all of this creative energy, you’re in trouble. This energy stuck in the body (Where the hell is it going to go if you’re not using it?) causes havoc. Often it’s trapped in the hips, causing misalignment in your knees and back. Stretching your hips and loving on them with massage is mandatory. Here is a bit more:

3 Health and Wellness Path

Expressive movement suits you best, like Zumba or interpretive dance. Find inspiring energetic music or write your own. Chose music to mirror your current feelings and move with it. Consider teaching, leading or creating a fitness class. Your creativity and enthusiasm alone make you qualified for such an endeavor. A few places you can shine: MeetUp.com, Baby and Me fitness club, or neighborhood park. Share the price of a babysitter with a group of friends and workout at the park.

Threes are sometimes competitive, with an internal need to show others what you can do. This is good for somethings, but not for your overall physical fitness. In general, playing a game such as golf, volleyball or bowling should not count as exercise, it will not be enough. Moving each day in the manner of your mood, will be very helpful. If you are signed up for a game, requiring you to run back and forth and it is a day you would rather dance, this outlet will not help. You need to stay in-tuned to the yearnings of your body, listen to it and do as it asks. Some days your body will only ask to be stretched, some days it will need to run a marathon. Well, not an actual marathon, but it may need to extend itself past preconceived limits, for emotional energies can be trapped and need to be pounded out. If you get the feeling “Oh I need to go for a run,” do it. Wear good shoes and run as much as you can tolerate. Stretch well afterwards and take a bath or get a massage. Your body needs you to listen to it, it has much more good information for you if you do.

Once a routine of 4-5 days a week for a month has been accomplished, you can begin to limit foods. No single food (sweet, salty, savory) is usually the culprit. Most of all, threes like to eat. This is good as it creates a good relationship with food. What you need to do is consider where food comes from and what work went into producing it and getting it to you. When you understand most meals do not “grow on trees” you will have a greater respect for what is on the plate. Participating in the process of a meal fully helps you will realize, a great amount of energy went into its preparation, thus forging the respect even further.

If you want to cut down on how much you eat or change what choices are made, it is best to become more involved with the process. Learn more about food in general by reading packages. If you do not recognize a word on the ingredient list, look it up. If you make it a rule never to eat anything you do not recognize, you will never have to worry about weight. When you tire of reading packages, your food choices will be fresh fruits and veggies…beautiful.

Threes occasionally need to do a cleanse. Not the crazy “no food for days on end” type of cleanse, but a gentle one. It can be a juice cleanse or a water fast, but only for a day or two. This will help you respect food and what it does for your body. It will also give your system a much needed break. Flushing the body with pure water is good, adding a little lemon is even better. There are many great websites by doctors and nutritionist with good guidelines. Or consult with a qualified doctor to make the best choice. If you check in with your own doctor, and are advised against it, find another doctor who supports you.

To find out more about attributes go to A is for Attributes. I also predict that you will seek time for introspection this year. This question you posted is part of this energy. (Forth Turning Point =7) You will pull away from others, spend more time in meditation and to study the deeper meanings of life. Let your family and dearest friends know this so they don’t worry. You are so social they will think you have lost your mind when really you’re beginning to explore it. It will help you figure out the 9 business above as well as the 1. I’m so excited for you!

*from ‘Say YES to Who You Are to Create Fitness’

Love and Light,


Energy of October, what happens if our 3 energy is blocked?

I have mentioned before that I have set the intention to no longer use sarcasm to communicate. (Crap, it still occasionally creeps in!) It comes from the energy of the 3. There are physical ailments that can occur as well in the area of your reproductive organs and your hips. Watch here to check to see how the creative expression of the number 3 is working in your life.

More at my Facebook page too.

Love, Light and Creative Expression!
