December 2016 Guidance


It is time to take a serious look at your life. Is it going per your preferences, your values and umm…your dislikes? This is important. Do you attend to things in your life that you do not want to? I am not talking about doing the dishes or taking out the garbage. Those are necessary things that remind us to be grateful for food, clean water and life comforts. December represents the number 12, it is here to reminds us to both take a leadership role (1) in our lives as well as be sensitive (2) to what we desire.

Recently, it came to my attention that people often choose things that make them feel bad. Watching reality TV, animal abuse information on Facebook, the evening news…etcetera. I use to reminisce about a past event, I wonder why I choose this activity when I realized it made me feel bad. It amounted to beating myself up for a failure several decades old. I stopped doing it because it wants helpful and it just brought me down. Is there some activity you engage in that makes you feel bad? Or makes you feel anything less than joy? Consider not engaging in it anymore. Here is some support for you this month, according to your birthday.    

To calculate your Life Path Number, add all the digits of your birth date until you get a single digit. For example November 30, 1975 is calculated: 1+1+3+1+9+7+5 = 27,  2+7 = 9. This person’s Life Path Number is a 9 so they would scroll down to "9". For extra guidance use all the numbers in your numerology this month. In the example this DOB would use the 2, 7 and 9 Life Paths.

 Life Path 1- When was the last time you took several days to be in joy? Yes, several days in a row with nothing but blissful things? A "stay-cation" if money is tight. Do it. Plan it. BE. ON. VACATION.

Life Path 2- You can do better to attend to yourself. Please put yourself and your needs first for one day this month. Just one day. You can do it.

Life Path 3- When did you last have your heart checked? Fitness, love, kindness, moods…these are all the business of the heart.  You need to be able to complete all of your joy assignments, your heart needs to be strong to do this.

Life Path 4-For the last time, might we suggest you going with the flow? The last time in 2016, that is. You won’t regret it. Review things you have learned about The Law of Attraction and The Law of Resistance. I have a few videos you can review if you’d like on my Facebook page.  

 Life Path 5- You are not one to complain when ______. (fill in the blank) That is your only clue. Look at your life and see where you do less complaining- spend more time in that space so the complaining doesn’t become a theme for 2017. Unless you like complaining, some people do.

Life Path 6- For the reminder of the year, see if you can participate in all the things that bring you joy. Invite someone to go with you, if they do not want to come along, go by yourself. Pleasure does not need to be a group activity. It can be and must be a solitary one at times.

Life Path 7- Be not out done by your wit this year. (Your drive to consume knowledge can make you dull.)You can have both intelligence and a good time. If you are bored- that means you are boring.  So, don’t be boring. It is that simple.

Life Path 8- Put your money where your mouth is. Is there something you are paying lip service to but have not invested in it? The activities you engage in are nice but where can your money make money? Sorry, fun time is over, if it is not making money- it is a hobby.

Life Path 9- For the first time in a long time you are thinking about your future. How do you want it to roll out? Next year is important for you. Make sure you are not relying on someone (boss, spouse) to get you unstuck. Your thoughts have you where you are, not your circumstances.

Love and Light,


Free May 2016 Guidance

It is the 5th month of the year and all the energy of 2016 is at its peak. Meaning, most of the big change will happen this month. Keep in mind though, the rest of the year will still have its ‘endings’ but not as significant as this month. If you have been following your own energy and putting into practice the art of allowing you see how things flow in and out of your life with a new style- that of ease and grace. What might have upset you before becomes an interesting note, this is good. This is very, very good. Do you understand the rate at which your body creates new cells? You are not the same person you were so you cannot expect your life to be the same. How boring would that be?

This “change” energy is also a big part of the meaning of 5. May is the 5th month and so it goes. What is in store for you this month? How good can you stand it? You will get the amount you can stand. Want a new job? Want a new love? Make room this month for all the things you want to manifest.

To calculate your Life Path Number, add all the digits of your birth date until you get a single digit. For example November 30, 1975 is calculated: 1+1+3+1+9+7+5 = 27,  2+7 = 9. This person’s Life Path Number is a 9 so they would go to "9" to find their message.

Life Path 1 – go for lots of long walks this month. You need the movement and it will show the Universe you are really ready to move forward in all aspects of your life. Try to double your walking time and see what happens.

Life Path 2- You are going to need some support this month. The changes you will go through will not seem to affect you at first, then it will hit you. Anticipate this now and set up your support system. This could be a simple as coffee with a dear friend or an extra massage appointment. You know what you need- give yourself permission.

Life Path 3- As the idea of how to express yourself is in the forefront, imagine yourself celebrating these as accomplishments. What do you want to celebrate? What do you want to accomplish? This will help you attend to what you need to attend to.

Life Path 4- When life is hard, do not make it harder by fighting what has changed. This will cause you much distress. Change is good. Change is necessary. Change is by no means a reflection of your value but a result of your willingness. You expect others to learn and to grow- this is what change is- allow it for yourself.

Life Path 5- Are you ready for some change? It will come at you from all directions this month. Keep your eyes open and enjoy the ride- watch how things play out BEFORE you react. This will help everyone involved but mostly it will be for your greatest and highest good.

Life Path 6- Are you still holding onto some things that need to go? You know what those things are, you have requested help with releasing them. Think about the saying “what is meant to be yours will return”, in order to allow.  

Life Path 7- When was the last time you had fun? When you allow yourself to be in joy (enjoyment) much clarity will come to you. A bit less time searching and a bit more time being will help you this month.

Life Path 8- If you have not had time to (   *   ) this past month, the reason could be you are trying to hard again. Why do you continue to do more then what you can physically or mentally handle? More is not better, unless it is more love, more kindness, more allowing, - you get the idea. * Fill in the blank with what you are missing then apply it liberally to someone or something.

 Life Path 9- When was the last time you had fun? Are you too tired for fun? Oh, this is sad, so very sad. If fun is important to you, I hope it is, then how can you add more? You might think you need to make sacrifices but have you asked for more fun without trying to figure out how it will come to you? Try asking for more fun and see what happens.


Love and Light,


Free April Numeroscope

April is the 4th month of the year. It will bring with it the energy of the Divine. (444 is an angelic calling card). For some of you this will not be a welcomed energy. Not because of your belief system but rather because you will not know what to do with this energy. You will need to take a step back, especially the first week of April. You will need to be on guard as the energy will be heaviest in the beginning of the month. It will be so heavy that you will want to snarl at anyone who says something remotely controversial.  Do you really want to spend your life telling others what to think? Your time is better spent with ideas of how you want your life to go. Do you have enough love? Do you have enough fun? Do you have enough of everything you desire? Peace, kindness, joy? Let’s now think about how your thoughts affect others: If you attack, then expect to be attacked. If you love, expect to be loved.  

To calculate your Life Path Number, add all the digits of your birthdate until you get a single digit. For example November 30, 1975 is calculated: 1+1+3+1+9+7+5 = 27,  2+7 = 9. This person’s Life Path Number is a 9 so they would scroll down to "9" to find the Numeroscope message.

1 Life Path- (Creativity and Confidence) – Your April is going to blow your mind. We hope you are well rested and believe in yourself. Now is the time! Now it is happening. We are here for you. You won’t be here alone.

2 Life Path-(Cooperation and Balance)- You still need to take a break. You are doing way too much. This energy in April will find you ill if you do not slow down. Only attend to those things that you WANT to attend to, please.

3 Life Path- (Expression and Sensitivity) – You know how important it is to EXPRESS yourself and share your creative side, will you continue to do so? We want you to consider that you only scratched the surface last month and do MORE this month.

 4 Life Path- (Stability and Process) – This month should be your month to shine with the repeated 4’s but you might not be ready. This is okay because you will beginning to feel balance. More synchronicities will happen. Pay attention.

5 Life Path- (Freedom and Discipline) – Well we hope that you don’t get pulled into drama at the beginning of the month but mostly we hope that you don’t start any. Please, for the love of all that is peaceful, put your opinion of others on hold for just one week.

6 Life Path- (Vison and Acceptance) – The energy of the 4 might have you hoppin’ mad. You really can’t take much criticism, you’re just too sensitive. How about you try to complement those that harass you the most and see what happens.

7 Life Path- (Trust and Openness) – We have to tell you that if your path is one of following the light you will be blinded this month. This light will be of the upmost intensity you have ever experienced before. Your job is just to allow, that is all.

 8 Life Path- (Abundance and Power) –You’ll need to hold your hat. The winds of change will blow this month. The old you couldn’t handle this, the new you will take it in stride.  You are blessed to have many who support you at this time. The truth will come out, you just need to believe it will. 

9 Life Path- (Integrity and Wisdom) – You are still sitting around deciding things for everyone else? What job they should do, what vacation they should take. Well, take a memo for yourself and stop trying to control everyone. You think you are helping but you’re stressing them out. On the other hand it is a good distraction so you don’t have to think about your own life.   

With Love and Light we leave you to have a Happy Spring!

Tricia and her Guides