AstroNumerology..... How can you use your charts?

My Life Path number 37/10 found spray painted on a construction screen!

I was recently asked on Quora about how to use your chart. Whether it is a Numerology chart or an Astrology chart, this is a really good question. I currently post charts and interpretations of them on Instagram.

I believe all these metaphysical tools are to help us become the best versions of ourselves and it starts with simply saying YES to who you are! Oh and ya gatta be open to doing the work. Here is the most recent example… as the #fullmooninaries begins as I type, this ‘self’ awareness is sooooo good!

Hey Baby what’s your Life Path?

My healthy escape is waking and yesterday (Oct7) I really needed it. I added meditation/mindfulness to my outing because I was feeling a bit stressed.

First I made a list of what I ‘know’:
~I’m gunna have to let somethings go this year [ #9personalyearcycle
~I must stay inline with my uniqueness [ #lifepath1 ]
~Heads up on ‘Wounded Healer’ energy. [This makes me a bit apprehensive].


Numerology & Astrology Carts

Astrology chart from Abbie Coe

As I crossed the street, I came in DIRECT contact with a spray painted sign ….

“ 3710 “

I shit you not, I took a pic cuz I was so surprised at this clear and direct message. I had gotten 4 repeated numbers (see snap shot above) this day which gave me even more clarity because the 1 and 3 was #repeadednumbers .

….#danmillman … on #lifepath3710

“ to work through issues of creativity while learning to trust the wise and beautiful spirit in themselves and others, and apply their inner gifts to create more harmony in the world.”

Next I considered the current energies:

#fullmooninaries which
guides me to be….a

I really appreciate this guidance from numbers and the planets , not to mention my intuition! (help with following your intuition here ) it keeps me grounded and sane. If you’re interested in a Astronumerology chart for guidance or your complete Numerology check out my services page.
Love and Light and…
Special thanks to @abbiecoeastro for my Astrology chart and notes on #aries because as a Life Path 1, I need to embrace:
my ‘warrior’ ,
my ‘pioneer’ and
my ‘daredevil’ spirit

I am a MINDFUL Warrior


Click on the Numerology chart here for a FREE DIY numerology workbook.

DIY! Calculate the energy of any word.

Love and Light,


Energy of a Full Moon; Evidence, Exercises and Inspiration to Support You

Have you been offered an opportunity that is both scary and exciting at the same time?

I have had evidence that suggests you will be offered an opportunity. First, the Full Moon on January 31; full moons are about manifesting. Second, 2018 is an 11 Universal Year; there will be new things and new beginnings because issues will be illuminated which you will want to change. Coupled with a shift into Leo. Leo is leadership and radiance! Which tells me it is an opportunity that is going to be epic. 

Oh man, on top of that there is an eclipse! All of the astrologers I follow (Kelley Rosano, Kari Samuels, The Leo King, and Lada) are all saying the same thing: the eclipse will illuminate something important. The 'something important' depends on where the eclipse is in your chart. Lada pointed out that since the energy is in Leo, it will be of your own making because of the leadership aspect of Leo. Note that a few weeks ago I suggested we look back over the last year to see what seeds we had planted. (Also Message from the Leo) Lada and I are both talking about the same thing: you have set in motion the events that will occur in the next 3 months. I love when messages repeat and more so that the planets are saying the same thing as numerology. (Check out my Facebook live for this message.)

The energy will also cause a push- pull of “stay safe” and “let’s do something epic”, which can be crazy making. Maybe it makes you grumpy if you feel you cannot follow it or guilty if you are considering it.

Change is growth. Growth can be uncomfortable- so what? Can you imagine a rose bud refusing to bloom because it was afraid? Are you glad roses can’t think?

Okay, if you want to ‘think’ about it then I will refer to the book “Quantum Leap” where Cynthia Sue Larson gets all sciency and discusses quantum physics and has evidence that “fake it  ‘til you make it” works. She has many exercises you can try and I am sharing one that I have created.

We are going to practice the 'fake til you make it' with todays excersie to prepare you for this epic adventure, if you chose it. I’ve made this suggestion before and it bears repeating-

The exercise I have for you, or as I like to call one of my meditation practices, “Try That On For Size”. If someone (this someone can be yourself) has offered you a new exciting opportunity or you have gotten a vision of something you could create,

 take a few minutes right now,

start with several bottom of the belly breaths (BoB's),

 as you gaze at the ocean or into your hearts center, ‘try it on for size’.

Pretend you are either doing this fabulous new thing or it has been completed.

What does it look like?

How does it feel?

What are you experiencing?

Try this exercise any time you want to 'experience' a choice you can make.  

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you go about continuing to manifest.

#1 You do not need to sacrifice yourself to serve others!

#2 If you have trouble visualizing all your strengths or believing in yourself, you need to know your true value. Listen up, especially if you have a 1 or a 3 in your numerology because I am calling you out right now!  Get my book “Say YES” so you can learn all of your attributes. Knowing your potential will help you find your passions. Then you can live your purpose!

#3 Still having trouble seeing your full potential yet you are unsatisfied with your current situation? Please, please, please get some assistance: a numerology reading or a life coaching session. If you like DIY get a copy of my book.Google Plus has my book for only $3.03 Click here to check it out or leave a review. 

Another DIY idea: Read my blog posts 'ABC's of Your 123's' series and discover your attributes with a few simple calculations. 

If  you think fear is an issue keep scrolling.

Here is some inspiration! Take a look-listen to this interview. I know first hand how fear can bite you in the ass. I also know how our minds can fib to us. 


Marie talks to Tim Ferriss about fear and a few other things. She is working on her next book, I am guessing we will see more interviews with authors. Here is a break down of Marie Forleo's interview:

12:12- Depression and Suicide
33:00- Goal Setting & Fear
33:37- Fear Exercise
50:00- 1:13:00 Writing Advice
1:14:00 Tim talks about Meditation
1:23:00 Self Love


Marie Ferleo interviews author/entrepreneur Tim Ferriss


Sending you love and light as you use the energy of the Full Moon to create something new and beautiful for yourself,

