Free June Numeroscope

We cannot say if the month of May was a success or not. There was so much change that the debris from the month is still settling. You may have had a hard time and the month of June has you wanting to sit and chill out. There is a purpose for all of this. The big change and then time for a rest and retreat. Ah! All the ‘re’ words are appropriate as Mercury in Retro reminds us to slow down and retreat, review, relax…you get the idea.

We are going to change things up this month and give you a taste of “Health and Wellness by the Numbers”.  This is a supplement to the Fitscope post awhile back. Those of you who have sworn off exercise, you really need to pay attention this month. The thing that you need to understand is that this information is coming to you for a reason. Your health is so very important and you need to make it so. No more putting it off. It is time to start. This is also a personal approach, not a one size fits all, so it will be personal for you..

If you have been at the fitness routine for some time – it is time for a change. You need to get yourself out of the rut you are in. I’ve added a few tidbits about diet, please take them into serious consideration. It won’t kill you to try it and it will go far in helping you to maintain your weight. If you need to lose a few pounds pay attention to that. Your doctor might not tell you that your weight is the cause of many of your woes but I’m going to tell you. Get Fit, Get Fabulous, Get Fantastic! To calculate your Life Path Number, add all the digits of your birthdate until you get a single digit. For example November 30, 1975 is calculated: 1+1+3+1+9+7+5 = 27,  2+7 = 9. This person’s Life Path Number is a 9 so they would scroll down to "9" to find the Numeroscope message.

1 Life Path- (Creativity and Confidence) – Please take your physical health more seriously then you have been. You will be expecting to take on a bit more (1’s are leaders and people FOLLOW them!) and stamina is required. Go back to the Fitscope and review your reading then add those activities to your calendar now. As for diet, you have been considering what needs to go (caffeine, flour, sugar, dairy)- they do need to go.  You will be so glad you did this for yourself. Combining new workout with your new way of eating will sure to make others heads turn….and those heads will ask you what you are doing to look so fabulous. 

2 Life Path-(Cooperation and Balance)- When twos come to the conclusion that they need to make changes, they need to have support around them. They need to have a small community in support of their goals. Join a group or just enlist the help of close family and/or friends. Two’s need to keep in mind they are not changing others, they are just asking for support. The friend that always asks you to go for coffee or ice cream will need to stop doing that. The family member who insists that you bring your famous dessert to the party needs to know you will no longer do this. You’re right, they won’t like it but it’s what is best for you that matters. Take care of yourself so you have the energy and longevity to take care of others.  Please reread the Fitscope for exercise suggestions. 

3 Life Path- (Expression and Sensitivity) – Threes are the best at organizing others but when it comes to yourself you have trouble seeing what is important. There really isn’t anything more important than your health- is there? You can keep putting this off or you can start today. It is best that you make an honest attempt at it. No more fooling yourself and thinking that you’re doing alright. A body needs to be free of pain, not carry extra weight and have energy all day long. If this is not your current situation, get real with yourself. It is your sensitive self that eats, not your physical self that is asking for it. What does your sensitive self need? Answer that question and you will be on your way to great health.

 4 Life Path- (Stability and Process) – You are the kings and queens of creating a workout format! This however is not all you need. Fours also need a venue where you can teach what you have learned. You will get further if you share what you have learned about fitness. You can help so many and help yourself in return. On the small scale this is a group of friends or family that go for a hike instead of out to lunch or to the bar. On a big scale this is a fitness job. What seems more doable at this time in your life? Start now. As far as food intake is concerned, if you think you might be making some not so good choices, start writing down what you eat so you can see for yourself. If needed, take it another step and seek a nutritionist or start studying. If you have some health concerns; difficult menstrual cycles, pain, or indigestion, start investigating what foods can cause these disruptions. Your body can be pain free and it deserves to be.

5 Life Path- (Freedom and Discipline) – “Well it won’t be long now”, said the monkey who cut off his tail. Are you ready yet? I hope so. You need to start that exciting new fitness program now. Make it exciting. Be sure that it is not too regimented. Fives tend to push too much in the beginning and longevity is needed in this pursuit. As for food- you know what needs to go and you know what you need to add. I could tell you but it won’t help. You must be true to yourself and stop eating those things that do not serve you. When you have a weak moment get outside, fives need more nature. You can find support in reading/connecting with others who share your woes. Reread your Fitscope for ideas.

 6 Life Path- (Vison and Acceptance) – When the time has come for you to put some serious thought into these healthy changes you will be back here looking for support, I will be here. Those who are ready now can start by offering themselves a hug. Sixes need more self-care or there won’t be anything left for others. You just take on too much of other peoples stuff. Time alone is necessary to decipher what is important. All the information in the world is not going to help you until you are ready. If you need to think, it is best that it be outside so now is a good time of year to start this health and wellness business. If you think of it as a business and getting yourself healthy is the goal, you will have a much better time of it. You are now the CEO of your own health club. What rules will you institute? Will you allow other members? What foods will you allow at your health club? You will be in charge of this club and you’ll have a great time looking at it this way. See your Fitscope for more exercise ideas.

7 Life Path- (Trust and Openness) – Sevens are able to write this section by themselves. You know what you need but your problem is procrastination. Decide when you want to start all of this. There will never be a perfect time and if you are telling yourself it is time to start then  listen to that inner guidance. You will be able to make all the changes you need with your health and wellness. Help others too. But first you must begin…that is all…just begin. What is it that stops you? Is it your fear of quitting? Trust me, you will not. You will start your plan and you will keep up with it. You are a seven and that is what sevens do, they finish what they start. As for food, get more education on this to deepen your connection with yourself. Your body is telling you what you need but you can cannot hear it right now. Trust that your body is talking and take time each day to ask it questions. It will answer you- it will.  

8 Life Path- (Abundance and Power) – So what are you doing with all that extra time of yours? I hope a significant amount of it is making sure you are healthy. You could manage a multi-million dollar contract without breaking a sweat. (Most of us would faint.)  Apply this same nonchalance in finance as you do to your own body. It is very simple what your body needs, YOU make it complicated. You are very attached to things. In the boardroom you’d have your wits, your pen and a piece of paper. You would be alert with your eyes and ears open wide. These are the tools you need for your health and wellness.  As for food, writing down what you eat will help in the beginning. Be careful of the things your substituting, again don’t get complicated. Eat simple organic meals, no more than three ingredients is a good base line. You can do this.

9 Life Path- (Integrity and Wisdom) – Nine, nine, nine. That is ‘no’ in another language, isn’t it? That is no coincidence here. You don’t like to be told what to do or that you’re doing something wrong. Most of the time you don’t do anything wrong but when it comes to your health and wellness you may have dropped the ball. You need to stop worrying so much about others and start thinking about the changes you need to make. When you are ready to start, nothing will stop you. If you do start, you will be blow away by what others will say. They do look to you for wisdom, share your knowledge of health and wellness by taking care of yourself first.  You know what needs to be done, don’t wait, start now. Most 9’s can eat what they want, just make sure it is quality food. You may need to cut back on sugar but you know this already. The health problems may not be evident now but you could avoid many problems down the road.

All my love and light in your pursuit of Health and Wellness,


FitScope- intuitive guidance for your fittest life

Part One of Two

It is sad to see the end of summer that the ninth month of September brings but when things come to an end, something new is just around the corner. The energy of nine is service to humanity, brotherhood, personal truth, and living with integrity.  September is also suicide prevention month as well as addiction month. These two subjects are current media topics. They are daunting but they always bare discussing.  Combining service to humanity and integrity, charity can start at home by doing our best to avoid addiction and depression.

One known way to ward off addiction and depression is exercise. There really is no debating how beneficial exercise is to elevate a person’s mood. Figuring out our resistance to it when it is so good for us is the key. Are you tried of making excuses not to exercise? Ever consider that you just might not have found the right kind of movement that fits your mind, body and soul?

I have created for you a *FitnesScope- intuitive fitness guidance based on your numerology. We are not talking Cross Fit or Tri-athlete here or six pack abs. We are talking about incorporating fitness into your life with easy and grace.   

Figure out your Life Path number: add all digits of your birthday until you get a single digit.  

          Example: August 4 1969 is a 1 Life Path -     8 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 9= 37,    3 + 7=10,    1+0 = 1 

1 Life Path- Because of your creative and expressive nature you need more than the average amount of exercise each day. Since you spend much time alone and much time in your head chose an activity that is simple, easy to follow (dare I say “mindless”?) and fun.  Also try mixing in activities you enjoyed as a child. The more playful and silly the better! Find some kids to show you how.

2 Life Path-  You need exercise that releases muscular tension. One that requires balance.  Include independent activities for yourself and above all choose what YOU like. Try uplifting movement that has music, dancing, or deep breathing. Add beauty by choosing colors and surroundings that appeal to you. Include stretching and meditation every day. 

3  Life Path- Expressive movement suits you best.  Find inspiring energetic music or write your own. Chose music that mirrors your current feelings and move with it. Consider teaching, leading or creating a fitness class of your own. Your creativity and enthusiasm alone make you qualified for such an endeavor.

4  Life Path- Step by step and goal oriented fitness program works best for you. Sign up for a half marathon then train for it. Make it a goal to be a black belt within 2 years, etc. Does competition motivate you? Try a team sport.  

5 Life Path-You will get the freedom you need when you create a disciplined approach to your fitness program. Freedom from health worries, freedom to sleep well, freedom in your diet choices, etc. Varity is very important. If you are missing work outs or don’t work out at all it might be due to boredom. Something simple as walking can be changed up by going at a different time of day, different location, adding music, books on tape or comedy that is free on Pandora. Don’t do the same work out two days in a row. Being regimented doesn’t mean being boring. (Fast moving Aerobics class, Zumba, you don’t have to be super fit or know how to dance to enjoy this class!) Note: if you are talking a lot during a class you might be bored. If you enjoy talking while working out, use ear buds and microphone and talk while walking outside, not indoors this is annoying to do around others.

6 Life Path-  Pick any physical activity you think you are not very good at and do it anyway. Guess what, it will be perfect because it is good for you. Notice how you feel while you exercise. Picture running like Phoebe in the Friends episode, an anything goes kind of attitude. Try Tai Chi or something similar so you can slow down and enjoy the process. Like to golf? Don’t take a cart, don’t keep score, and while you are walking between holes notice your surroundings.  

7 Life Path-Try to do as many outdoor activities as possible. Mix in something you enjoy that requires attention/concentration, counting or that builds upon proceeding classes.

8 Life Path- Tapping into your inner abundance and power is the key to your fitness routine. Be a workout buddy, inspire and encourage others to exercise. Sharing in this area will certainly motivate yourself and others to meet fitness goals. Can you share your abundance with others by offering a free class or volunteer to teach? 

9 Life Path- Gee, you are good at so many things. What to choose, what to choose? You lead others without trying, imagine what you can do if you made a conscious attempt at it? Look deep into your heart, honor your conviction to better health and get something started today.


Love and Light,



*FitnesScope is the property of The Energy Garden. Talk to your doctor before starting any new fitness program. Consult professional trainers when necessary.

 More ideas and specific exercises on the FitnesScope tab, click here. Introduction to Numerology click here.

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