Here is an example with repeated 9’s.
Birthday of April 26, 1995 = 36/9 Health and Wellness Path
This person’s name at birth created the following Name Numerology
Motivation: 9
Inner Self (Personality): 9
Expression: 9
With a Life Path of 9, is there really any question what this person needs to understand about themselves? Clearly this 36/9 is here to inspire others and working through anything that would tell her otherwise. She doesn’t have any 9’s in her Life Cycles or Pinnacles. Extra support in working with the 9 energy will come in 2022, when she is age twenty seven. Notice the age twenty seven is also a 9, 2+7=9. Her first Life Cycle is a 4 which she will be working until 2023. Understanding the 4 is present so she can build a solid foundation, is very important. If indeed she excepts the fact she is here to inspire in a big way, she will need to do some work first. Being organized and able to go with the flow as her first Life Cycle of 4 will prepare her well.
Here is another example with repeated 6, 1 and 9’s.
Birthday of October 24, 1966= 38/11 Health and Wellness Path
Motivation: 1
Hidden Tendency: 9
First notice, three 6’s in the birth date (24= 2+4=6 for day of birth) and born in ’66. The 11 Life Path pops out immediately as it is a Master Number and I write this in 2018, which is also an 11. Those 6’s could trip up this person up if they are not aware of their perfectionist tendency’s (6 energy). This 38/11 is in a Personal Year 8 and will be in a 9 year when her birthday comes up in October. This tells me that a few things in her life might need to come to a completion, so she can step into the leadership (double 1’s of the eleven) roll the 11 Life Path is asking of her.
Congratulations on seeing repeated numbers! It is just the beginning. Keep your eye out for more messages from the Universe.
What is your favorite repeated number? Do you have a favorite that repeats in your Numerology? I’d love to hear about your experiences with repeated numbers.
Here is a short, in the works, list of my interpretation of repeated numbers and their meaning. Do any of them resonate with you?
A bridge needs to be constructed. What do you want to learn? Start there.
Manifest what is yours. What do you want?
New beginnings beacon you dear one. Let’s start something new today!
Honor your sensitivity. What do you need?
Create. Create. Create. No excuses. The world needs you to express yourself.
You are building a solid foundation, heading in the right direction. You are supported.
Hair raising changes. Are you ready to embrace them?
Love in crazy amounts. Don’t control it, enjoy it.
When you see this it is time to get to work. Yes, your heading in the right direction, but there is something you need to learn. See 77
Stop procrastinating
You’re going to start seeing repeated numbers everywhere now! Well, at least you know why and you can use this as your reference guide. Want an emailed copy of your numerology chart? Donate $4.44 below and I will send you one so you can see if you have any repeated numbers.
Love and Light,