Interviews to Awaken the Mind

A blast from the past for #Throwback Thursday. I am rerunning these interviews as I feel you could benefit from other peoples experiences. Realizing now, I did these interviews to prove to myself I was not a wack-a-do, makes me chuckle. Then again, I still have a hard time telling people I am emphatic and can tune into someone who's not even in the room! The journey continues.

Interviews with Intuitives

To provide guidance to those who are becoming familiar with their intuitive abilities this platform offers a look into how others have come to know and work with their abilities. The universal energy (available to everyone) that is referred to here as “Intuitive”, comes in many forms. We will describe and discuss them here.

      Wendy Servi- Intuitive Healer

      Wendy Servi- Intuitive Healer

This month I chose a “newbie”. I have known Wendy for most of my life so I can see that her 29/11 numerology describes her well. Wendy’s 11 energy of “double creativity and confidence” comes through with her sense of humor, spot on comedic timing, her problem solving abilities and leadership skills (1 energy!). When I did Wendy's Life Purpose reading and discovered her healing abilities, the reading was a confirmation not a revelation. At the time, it was not something she was ready to share with others.  I am honored that she shared this personal information with me. I am ecstatic that she wants to share it with us!  

Wendy thanks for taking time to chat with us. I know you are busy planning your wedding. Congratulations, by the way.  

Tricia: Could you start by describing how you understand your intuitive gifts?
Wendy: My first experience was about 7 years ago but I didn’t know what it was at the time. This past year I have had a physical sensation in my body, like the hairs standing up on my neck, or I get stopping abruptly in mid breath. Negative feelings are the strongest and sometimes I don't know what "it" is. In one such instance I knew the person talking to me was not telling me the truth. It made me want to leave the room...the feeling was so intense I could not get out of there fast enough. Recently I found myself "knowing" before the person came into my office that their spouse had recently passed away.

I don't exactly know how to articulate my healing ability. People have come to me with pains or I've noticed something about them that they had not realized. Using my hands I can find the issues in their body. Sometimes I apply pressure and sometimes it is a light touch. One time I could feel a lot of heat coming from my hands.

I’ve recently noticed people coming to me with their personal stuff and it annoyed me at first. I have been told that I "missed my true calling and should've been a counselor or psychologist". I laughed at that suggestion because it came after I had mentioned my weakness in healing the spirit. When you acknowledge your weakness, or ask for help, you just might be presented with opportunities and not realize it.

Another ability I have yet to figure out is a ringing in my ear.

Tricia: I love what you said “When you acknowledge your weakness, or ask for help, you just might be presented with opportunities and not realize it.” Thanks for reminding us that we are not alone in this. Because people have already come to you for help, do you feel this is a request from Spirit to use your intuitive abilities to help others? You did say you were annoyed about it at first but how do you feel about it now?
Wendy: I honestly can’t say that I feel it is a request to help others, I almost feel like it's an answer to what has been the most important aspect to me as I have gone through my careers. I am unsure how to feel about it, there are too many emotions to pin point. I have to remind myself that if there are things that keep repeating, like people complaining or all their spouses dying, that I am missing the message, or I am not listening correctly. I laughed at myself, I am unsure how to feel about it, huh, dork....I feel unsure.

Tricia: Since your understanding of your abilities is new, only in the last year, will you seek more knowledge?
Wendy: Yes. I had started searching other websites at the beginning of your website development and have read the other interviews you have. And of course my number one knowledge provider right now is you! Thank you by the way!

Tricia: What would be your advice to those who are experiencing intuitive and healing abilities for the first time?  
Wendy: My advice would be work on letting go of the fear. The fear you are wrong, the fear you will be judged or rejected, the fear that you might be seen as crazy.... It takes time and work, but all of those things will happen no matter what you do or don't do, so fear is pointless. 

Tricia: That is great advice Wendy. All my love and light to you on this journey. Mahalo!

Do you have abilities you have not shared? Want to come out of the closet? Need more proof that there are more of us other there? Here are a two other interviews I did: 
Dr. Michelle
Nikki Niznic

Love, Light and a side of the woo-woo,


Interviews to Awaken the Mind

Interviews with Intuitives

To provide guidance to those who are becoming familiar with their intuitive abilities this platform offers a look into how others have come to know and work with their abilities. The universal energy (available to everyone) that is referred to here as “Intuitive”, comes in many forms. We will describe and discuss them here.

Wendy Servi- Intuitive Healer

Wendy Servi- Intuitive Healer

This month I chose a “newbie”. I have known Wendy for most of my life so I can see that her 29/11 numerology describes her well. Wendy’s 11 energy of “double creativity and confidence” comes through with her sense of humor with spot on comedic timing, her problem solving abilities and leadership skills (1 energy!). When I did Wendy's Life Purpose reading and discovered her healing abilities, the reading was a confirmation not a revelation. At the time, it was not something she was ready to share with others.  I am honored that she shared this personal information with me. I am ecstatic that she wants to share it with us!  

Wendy thanks for taking time to chat with us. I know you are busy planning your wedding. Congratulations, by the way.  

Tricia: Could you start by describing how you understand your intuitive gifts?
Wendy: My first experience was about 7 years ago but I didn’t know what it was at the time. This past year I have had a physical sensation in my body, like the hairs standing up on my neck, or I get stopping abruptly in mid breath. Negative feelings are the strongest and sometimes I don't know what "it" is. In one such instance I knew the person talking to me was not telling me the truth. It made me want to leave the room...the feeling was so intense I could not get out of there fast enough. Recently I found myself "knowing" before the person came into my office that their spouse had recently passed away.

I don't exactly know how to articulate my healing ability. People have come to me with pains or I've noticed something about them that they had not realized. Using my hands I can find the issues in their body. Sometimes I apply pressure and sometimes it is a light touch. One time I could feel a lot of heat coming from my hands.

I’ve recently noticed people coming to me with their personal stuff and it annoyed me at first. I have been told that I "missed my true calling and should've been a counselor or psychologist". I laughed at that suggestion because it came after I had mentioned my weakness in healing the spirit. When you acknowledge your weakness, or ask for help, you just might be presented with opportunities and not realize it.

Another ability I have yet to figure out is a ringing in my ear.

Tricia: I love what you said “When you acknowledge your weakness, or ask for help, you just might be presented with opportunities and not realize it.” Thanks for reminding us that we are not alone in this. Because people have already come to you for help, do you feel this is a request from Spirit to use your intuitive abilities to help others? You did say you were annoyed about it at first but how do you feel about it now?
Wendy: I honestly can’t say that I feel it is a request to help others, I almost feel like it's an answer to what has been the most important aspect to me as I have gone through my careers. I am unsure how to feel about it, there are too many emotions to pin point. I have to remind myself that if there are things that keep repeating, like people complaining or all their spouses dying, that I am missing the message, or I am not listening correctly. I laughed at myself, I am unsure how to feel about it, huh, dork....I feel unsure.

Tricia: Since your understanding of your abilities is new, only in the last year, will you seek more knowledge?
Wendy: Yes. I had started searching other websites at the beginning of your website development and have read the other interviews you have. And of course my number one knowledge provider right now is you! Thank you by the way!

Tricia: What would be your advice to those who are experiencing intuitive and healing abilities for the first time?  
Wendy: My advice would be work on letting go of the fear. The fear you are wrong, the fear you will be judged or rejected, the fear that you might be seen as crazy.... It takes time and work, but all of those things will happen no matter what you do or don't do, so fear is pointless. 

Tricia: That is great advice Wendy. All my love and light to you on this journey. Mahalo!