The ABC’s of Your 123’s
I is for Inner Self
Using Numerology to Tune Into Yourself
There are over 30 numbers that can be calculated from your date of birth and your names (first, middle, last, madden, and married). Numerology translates the meaning, or energy, of these numbers. This translation has helped me say ‘yes’ to who I am and help others do the same.
You know some of these number meanings already. The one, for instance, is about leadership and being first. The two, as in ‘it takes two to tango’, is about balance. Yin and yang, the perfect symbol of the number two’s energy. The 8 is the infinity sign standing up which means manifestation and abundance.
So far, we have discussed two other numbers derived from your name: the Expression Number and the Heart’s Desire number. Through understanding ourselves better we will find more joy. This is of course, is so that we can say YES to who we are more often. Abraham Hicks and Eckart Tolle, two of the many teachers that speak of this, teach us that saying yes to the present moment brings us peace.
If you are not saying yes to the moment, you are actually resisting it. This causes us unnecessary stress. So, how are we resisting, you might wonder. Here is a short list, as there are many others:
Being late
Telling lies (even little white ones to spare people’s feelings)
Getting angry
Over eating
Over drinking
Being depressed
Putting ourselves last
How many times a day do you reset who you really are? Don’t judge, just ask yourself. This awareness is a good place to start. Notice when you do any of the above. For a more positive approach and any time you want to raise your spirits (vibration) find out something nice about yourself through Numerology. Before you know it, you’ll being accepting more moments every day, creating peace, grace and JOY.
Let’s take a look at your Inner Self number so you can use this to get to the yummy bits that are YOU. The Inner Self number is derived from your name numerology. It is the sum of all the consonants and describes your secret dreams. It is how you picture yourself and often the first impression someone gets of you.