FREE downloadable Numerology Coloring Book

Enjoy a FREE copy of my Numerology Coloring book. Use coloring as a way of meditation and creative expression is good for your soul. If you would like a personalized version of this coloring book please send me a message.


DroodleU Coloring book by Tricia Gunberg.jpg

FREE DroodleU Numerology Coloring Book0.00

10 pages of coloring with 20 instructions and DIY numerology on your Super Powers, Life Path and Name Numerology

You will need to go through the “Cart” process but will not need to enter any payment. You have 24 hours to download and PRINT the pages. Note that it this FREE version only has 10 coloring pages. If you only want to print those be sure to select page range 17- 25 on your printer. Also, if you print all 30 pages, the cover will print in color… lots of deep purple. Start printing on page 3 to avoid using all your ink.

FREE DroodleU Numerology Coloring Book

10 pages of coloring with 20 instructions and DIY numerology on your Super Powers, Life Path and Name Numerology

New Moon Intentions....are you ready to set some by Thursday (April 4)?

Are you afraid to wish your big wishes?

It could be sabotaging your success.




Prior to September 30,2017 my definition of success was purely career oriented. All my career achievements would make everything else happen. Even after years of studying Abraham Hicks and Law of Attraction this mindset persisted! While attending Stephanie Beebe’s workshop Saturday, a new word was added to my definition of success.

That new word has also taken on new meaning.

Lead by Stephanie in a visualization exercise, I saw visions of things I’ve never seen before. I was holding hands with people I didn’t think possible, having fun experiences with loved ones, and feeling so much love it was almost overwhelming.  

The experience shook me. How will I add this new word,  which felt to me like “family”, to my success goals? And, why hadn’t many of my success goals I had set in the past not come to fruition? Was it because my heart and the Universe knew better?  

Maybe, I thought, I haven’t been ‘successful’ as I want to be because I don’t know what the true definition of success is for me.

Okay, this is a bitter pill to swallow, but why is this happening?

Uggghhh! Then it hit me:

 I have not allowed myself to want things. I have not allowed myself to wish big wishes! My limited beliefs have blocked me (This is Stephanie’s magik*! She can reveal to you how you do this to yourself.) from wishing them by keeping them from my awareness.

It used to bug me when Abraham Hicks asked, “Are you enjoying your wanting?” I thought I had been working on this! Ha…getting ready to be ready, still!

AND, getting to know myself better continues.

I know exactly what life event caused this block, but this doesn’t do me any good. Blame gets me nowhere.

The messages I give others are also for myself, both in 1:1’s and in my posts.

I take a few moments and I review them in my mind.

Low and behold- The same approach I have been suggesting for EVERYONE else is the same for me:

You need to know yourself, then say “yes” to it.

I know in my heart and with all of my heart, that FAMILY is part of my new vision of success!

Here is a refresher both of us in the post below. “4 Steps to Getting to Know Yourself Better”.

The path to self-actualization is an important one, a spiritual one and one I hope you’ll continue to take with me.

Love and Light, Tricia

How do I get to know myself better?


#1 Explore self-actualization tools and workshops.
Don’t limit these. Keep trying new ones even when you find ones you like. Some of my favorite: Numerology, Astrology, Intuitive Readings/Coaching, Reiki, Yoga. Oh, yes, workshops with Stephanie and my book.

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#2 Spend time with yourself in Quiet and in Happiness.
Meditation is great but experience other ways too: golf by yourself, going fishing, or walking (no phone!). Make room and create awareness to increase the amount of time you are happy. Eliminate things that make you sad, angry or frustrated. (News, Social Media, People, Places, Activities)


#3 Observe your emotions.
Pay special attention to those that make you uncomfortable or you prefer not to have.  Honor them, make changes ( emotions are like gears in a car post)



#4 New Experiences!
Do something today that makes you nervous. It is important that you stretch yourself and shed light on yourself and get you out of your comfort zone.

I will be working on this for myself, doing my visualization exercise that Stephanie suggested and being more open to my wantings. The journey continues as we continue to learn how to Say YES to who you are to create MAGIK! I loved to hear from you, either here, via IM or on my Facebook page.

Love and Light,


*Magik- a technique for brining desired changes into physical manifestation. A process of crafting and shaping one’s life. Not to be confused with magic which involves cleaver illusions.  



Dan Millman Goes Hurling Across My Bedroom...#ThrowBackThursday

#Throw Back Thursday

Do you recognize your life path? Do you know your truth? Or are you like Goldilocks…
…..your waistline too big?
…..your love life too cold?
…..your job too hard?
Or perhaps you’re one of the three bears and some stranger has been eating your porridge, sitting in your chair and sleeping in your bed.

You are not alone.

In 2011 I was suffering from stress related health issues. I was directed to Phuong Nguyen, a Kinesiologist in Durango, CO. We had a wonderful session in which I balled my eyes out and got some well needed focus. She referred me to Dan Millman’s book The Life You Were Born To Live.  I headed directly to the book store from the appointment. It spoke to me at the start; “A guide to finding your life purpose”. Yes, I need a guide, desperately. I love a good self-help book and for only twenty five dollars I could easily afford it.

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I rushed home and eagerly read the first eight pages, skipping to page 123 once I determined my “birth number”. Filled with enthusiasm I began to read, “here to work through issues of creativity while learning to trust the wise and beautiful spirit in themselves and others.”  Yes! I am creative. Yes! I do need to learn to trust. Yes! I want to be a wise and beautiful spirit. Wow, this Millman guy really knows what he is talking about. I continue reading, “…most seek knowledge outside of themselves rather than trust their intuitive depths.” I am a seeker of knowledge, but intuitive? No. I read on “..deep down, are wise and healing spirits; they can express themselves like angels in human form once they align themselves with the higher energy and will that manifest within them.”
What a bunch of crap!
Me, intuitive? No!
Me, a healer? Most definitely not!

I hurl the book (the force was great, I’m a softball player not an angel) across my bedroom. I would have returned it to the book store except I damaged the cover when it hit the door frame.

This information broke my heart. I wanted to trust that book. I needed so badly to find my life’s purpose. Not knowing was making me sick. The book was going to bring great epiphanies for me. Trumpets were going to sound. Passion was going to flow. An ease in knowing who I am was going to wash over me.

And mostly....mostly…everything was going to be just right.

The book sat quietly collecting dust and cat hair. I couldn’t let $25 go to waste so I investigated friends and families birth numbers. The readings clicked with everything I knew about them.

In the ancient Scottish tale the three bears devour the trespasser. Over time, small variations are made to the story and it becomes a popular children’s story. Largely in part to the change in the ending where Goldilocks jumps out the window and her outcome is left to our imagination.

Your outcome, my outcome, is left solely to our imagination. Armed with that knowledge and a little self-examination we can become so much more. Those words from Dan Millman still seem miles away. Yet, I know they are true. They are my truth:

“here to work through issues of creativity while learning to trust the wise and beautiful spirit in themselves and others.” 

Please follow me here as I learn to trust and become the healer I am meant to be.

Love and Light,


Dan Millman Goes Hurling Across My Bedroom

#Throw Back Thursday

Do you recognize your life path? Do you know your truth? Or are you like Goldilocks…
…..your waistline too big?
…..your love life too cold?
…..your job too hard?
Or perhaps you’re one of the three bears and some stranger has been eating your porridge, sitting in your chair and sleeping in your bed.

You are not alone.

In 2011 I was suffering from stress related health issues. I was directed to Phuong Nguyen, a Kinesiologist in Durango, CO. We had a wonderful session in which I balled my eyes out and got some well needed focus. She referred me to Dan Millman’s book The Life You Were Born To Live.  I headed directly to the book store from the appointment. It spoke to me at the start; “A guide to finding your life purpose”. Yes, I need a guide, desperately. I love a good self-help book and for only twenty five dollars I could easily afford it.

Super Power Tricia Gunberg.JPG

I rushed home and eagerly read the first eight pages, skipping to page 123 once I determined my “birth number”. Filled with enthusiasm I began to read, “here to work through issues of creativity while learning to trust the wise and beautiful spirit in themselves and others.”  Yes! I am creative. Yes! I do need to learn to trust. Yes! I want to be a wise and beautiful spirit. Wow, this Millman guy really knows what he is talking about. I continue reading, “…most seek knowledge outside of themselves rather than trust their intuitive depths.” I am a seeker of knowledge, but intuitive? No. I read on “..deep down, are wise and healing spirits; they can express themselves like angels in human form once they align themselves with the higher energy and will that manifest within them.”
What a bunch of crap!
Me, intuitive? No!
Me, a healer? Most definitely not!

I hurl the book (the force was great, I’m a softball player not an angel) across my bedroom. I would have returned it to the book store except I damaged the cover when it hit the door frame.

This information broke my heart. I wanted to trust that book. I needed so badly to find my life’s purpose. Not knowing was making me sick. The book was going to bring great epiphanies for me. Trumpets were going to sound. Passion was going to flow. An ease in knowing who I am was going to wash over me.

And mostly....mostly…everything was going to be just right.

The book sat quietly collecting dust and cat hair. I couldn’t let $25 go to waste so I investigated friends and families birth numbers. The readings clicked with everything I knew about them.

In the ancient Scottish tale the three bears devour the trespasser. Over time, small variations are made to the story and it becomes a popular children’s story. Largely in part to the change in the ending where Goldilocks jumps out the window and her outcome is left to our imagination.

Your outcome, my outcome, is left solely to our imagination. Armed with that knowledge and a little self-examination we can become so much more. Those words from Dan Millman still seem miles away. Yet, I know they are true. They are my truth:

“here to work through issues of creativity while learning to trust the wise and beautiful spirit in themselves and others.” 

Please follow me here as I learn to trust and become the healer I am meant to be.

Love and Light,
