AstroNumerology..... How can you use your charts?

My Life Path number 37/10 found spray painted on a construction screen!

I was recently asked on Quora about how to use your chart. Whether it is a Numerology chart or an Astrology chart, this is a really good question. I currently post charts and interpretations of them on Instagram.

I believe all these metaphysical tools are to help us become the best versions of ourselves and it starts with simply saying YES to who you are! Oh and ya gatta be open to doing the work. Here is the most recent example… as the #fullmooninaries begins as I type, this ‘self’ awareness is sooooo good!

Hey Baby what’s your Life Path?

My healthy escape is waking and yesterday (Oct7) I really needed it. I added meditation/mindfulness to my outing because I was feeling a bit stressed.

First I made a list of what I ‘know’:
~I’m gunna have to let somethings go this year [ #9personalyearcycle
~I must stay inline with my uniqueness [ #lifepath1 ]
~Heads up on ‘Wounded Healer’ energy. [This makes me a bit apprehensive].


Numerology & Astrology Carts

Astrology chart from Abbie Coe

As I crossed the street, I came in DIRECT contact with a spray painted sign ….

“ 3710 “

I shit you not, I took a pic cuz I was so surprised at this clear and direct message. I had gotten 4 repeated numbers (see snap shot above) this day which gave me even more clarity because the 1 and 3 was #repeadednumbers .

….#danmillman … on #lifepath3710

“ to work through issues of creativity while learning to trust the wise and beautiful spirit in themselves and others, and apply their inner gifts to create more harmony in the world.”

Next I considered the current energies:

#fullmooninaries which
guides me to be….a

I really appreciate this guidance from numbers and the planets , not to mention my intuition! (help with following your intuition here ) it keeps me grounded and sane. If you’re interested in a Astronumerology chart for guidance or your complete Numerology check out my services page.
Love and Light and…
Special thanks to @abbiecoeastro for my Astrology chart and notes on #aries because as a Life Path 1, I need to embrace:
my ‘warrior’ ,
my ‘pioneer’ and
my ‘daredevil’ spirit

I am a MINDFUL Warrior


Click on the Numerology chart here for a FREE DIY numerology workbook.

DIY! Calculate the energy of any word.

Love and Light,


Throwback Thursday: The 11, the 2 and the Owl with Update

Recently I was asked; “What is the meaning of hearing an owl at night? I have heard it several times this week.”

I love this question. It shows she is aware of messages and wants to decode them! Also, I love owls. As you know my motto is “Say YES to who you are to create magic.” Since the owl asks, “Who?”, maybe owl is the Spirit Animal of my website! I have answered this questions many times for myself so here it is:

Message from the owl

I'm looking for more insight into what this year has to offer us as we wait and watch. This week, owls popped up many times. The super cute owes that are so fuzzy you could die! (I am quoting a scene from Despicable Me.) We've had owls come up before and I recall something about 'who'. This gave me pause. To be honest,I am a bit upset that this message is on repeat. I still struggle with who I am. 


Well, maybe struggle isn't the right word. How do I explain?

For a long time I have believed there was something I need to do in this life time, something important. After I  started writing my blog in 2014 I thought I was onto something and I could relax. Putting myself out there as a writer AND intuitive made me feel so vulnerable- it had to be the antidote to my angst. Then I completed my first book, that helped some, for a while. 

Yesterday I watched Marie Forleo. (I love her! She is funky, spunky and beautiful! soul. I would include link here except her BSchool advice it to not link outside your own website :) I click on the show because the title was, "The Writing Process and the Myth of Inspiration." When they started talking about the courage to write, I began to cry. You see, I started writing my memoir in September (2018) and bawl the entire time I write and edit. This writing exercise has me completely aware of when I sensor myself in my writing and my talking. This awareness is causing me a great deal of pain. 


I need to ask you,

"Who are you?"

I need to ask myself, "Who am I?"

And I need to repeat the message from two weeks ago, "What are you trying to say?" "What impact would you like to have on the world?" "What legacy do you want to leave?"

Is it true? Is it useful?

Dani Shapiro's advice is to ask yourself if it is true (what you say and what you write) and if it is useful. 

I want to ask you that too. Are you just mindless repeating others? (Parrot message from last week.)  Are you true to yourself? Do you honor yourself, weekly, hourly, daily, hourly?

How do you know if you are not? Remember the post I did on Emotions being gears in a car?  Emotions like: guilt, frustration, irritation, fear and anxiety - these are your clues. If others seem to be the ‘cause’ of these emotions for you, remember they are just reflecting back to you what you would like to change about yourself. 

The irony that I use Numerology to help people find themselves is not lost on me. I bet my entire family is laughing at this. They know I have been trying to figure this out my entire life. Maybe they are even wondering if I am qualified to help others if I can't even figure it out for myself. 

The 11 energy of 2018 is gunna make us more sensitive (2) and shine a light (Illumination, energy of the 11) on things to help us be true to ourselves (1 energy, twice!). Can you handle this? Are you ready? 

I think I am. And I am grateful, so grateful we can help each other. 

Love and Light,


PS here is the Message of the Owl in video format

New Moon Intentions....are you ready to set some by Thursday (April 4)?

Are you afraid to wish your big wishes?

It could be sabotaging your success.




Prior to September 30,2017 my definition of success was purely career oriented. All my career achievements would make everything else happen. Even after years of studying Abraham Hicks and Law of Attraction this mindset persisted! While attending Stephanie Beebe’s workshop Saturday, a new word was added to my definition of success.

That new word has also taken on new meaning.

Lead by Stephanie in a visualization exercise, I saw visions of things I’ve never seen before. I was holding hands with people I didn’t think possible, having fun experiences with loved ones, and feeling so much love it was almost overwhelming.  

The experience shook me. How will I add this new word,  which felt to me like “family”, to my success goals? And, why hadn’t many of my success goals I had set in the past not come to fruition? Was it because my heart and the Universe knew better?  

Maybe, I thought, I haven’t been ‘successful’ as I want to be because I don’t know what the true definition of success is for me.

Okay, this is a bitter pill to swallow, but why is this happening?

Uggghhh! Then it hit me:

 I have not allowed myself to want things. I have not allowed myself to wish big wishes! My limited beliefs have blocked me (This is Stephanie’s magik*! She can reveal to you how you do this to yourself.) from wishing them by keeping them from my awareness.

It used to bug me when Abraham Hicks asked, “Are you enjoying your wanting?” I thought I had been working on this! Ha…getting ready to be ready, still!

AND, getting to know myself better continues.

I know exactly what life event caused this block, but this doesn’t do me any good. Blame gets me nowhere.

The messages I give others are also for myself, both in 1:1’s and in my posts.

I take a few moments and I review them in my mind.

Low and behold- The same approach I have been suggesting for EVERYONE else is the same for me:

You need to know yourself, then say “yes” to it.

I know in my heart and with all of my heart, that FAMILY is part of my new vision of success!

Here is a refresher both of us in the post below. “4 Steps to Getting to Know Yourself Better”.

The path to self-actualization is an important one, a spiritual one and one I hope you’ll continue to take with me.

Love and Light, Tricia

How do I get to know myself better?


#1 Explore self-actualization tools and workshops.
Don’t limit these. Keep trying new ones even when you find ones you like. Some of my favorite: Numerology, Astrology, Intuitive Readings/Coaching, Reiki, Yoga. Oh, yes, workshops with Stephanie and my book.

Love U.jpg

#2 Spend time with yourself in Quiet and in Happiness.
Meditation is great but experience other ways too: golf by yourself, going fishing, or walking (no phone!). Make room and create awareness to increase the amount of time you are happy. Eliminate things that make you sad, angry or frustrated. (News, Social Media, People, Places, Activities)


#3 Observe your emotions.
Pay special attention to those that make you uncomfortable or you prefer not to have.  Honor them, make changes ( emotions are like gears in a car post)



#4 New Experiences!
Do something today that makes you nervous. It is important that you stretch yourself and shed light on yourself and get you out of your comfort zone.

I will be working on this for myself, doing my visualization exercise that Stephanie suggested and being more open to my wantings. The journey continues as we continue to learn how to Say YES to who you are to create MAGIK! I loved to hear from you, either here, via IM or on my Facebook page.

Love and Light,


*Magik- a technique for brining desired changes into physical manifestation. A process of crafting and shaping one’s life. Not to be confused with magic which involves cleaver illusions.  



The 11, the 2 and the Owl with Update

Message from the owl

I'm looking for more insight into what this year has to offer us as we wait and watch. This week owls popped up many times. The super cute owes that are so fuzzy you could die! (I am quoting a scene from Despicable Me.) We've had owls come up before and I recall something about 'who'. This gave me pause. To be honest,I am a bit upset that this message is on repeat. I still struggle with who I am. 


Well, maybe struggle isn't the right word. How do I explain?

For a long time I have believed there was something I need to do in this life time, something important. After I  started writing my blog in 2014 I thought I was onto something and I could relax. Putting myself out there as a writer AND intuitive made me feel so vulnerable- it had to be the antidote to my angst. Then I completed my first book, that helped some, for a while. 

Yesterday I watched Marie Forleo. (I love her! She is funky, spunky and beautiful!) interview Dani Shapiri. I clicked on it because the title was, "The Writing Process and the Myth of Inspiration." When they started talking about the courage to write I began to cry. You see, I started writing my memoir in September (2018) and bawl the entire time I write and edit. This writing exercise has me completely aware of when I sensor myself in my writing and my talking. This awareness is causing me a great deal of pain. 


I need to ask you,

"Who are you?"

I need to ask myself, "Who am I?"

And I need to repeat the message from two weeks ago, "What are you trying to say?" "What impact would you like to have on the world?" "What legacy do you want to leave?"

Is it true? Is it useful?

Dani Shapiro's advice is to ask yourself if it is true (what you say and what you write) and if it is useful. 

I want to ask you that too. Are you just mindless repeating others? (Parrot message from last week.)  Are you true to yourself? Do you honor yourself, weekly, hourly, daily, hourly?

How do you know if you are not? Remember the post I did on Emotions being gears in a car?  Emotions like: guilt, frustration, irritation, fear and anxiety - these are your clues. If others seem to be the ‘cause’ of these emotions for you, remember they are just reflecting back to you what you would like to change about yourself. 

The irony that I use Numerology to help people find themselves is not lost on me. I bet my entire family is laughing at this. They know I have been trying to figure this out my entire life. Maybe they are even wondering if I am qualified to help others if I can't even figure it out for myself. 

The 11 energy of 2018 is gunna make us more sensitive (2) and shine a light (Illumination, energy of the 11) on things to help us be true to ourselves (1 energy, twice!). Can you handle this? Are you ready? 

I think I am. And I am grateful, so grateful we can help each other. 

Love and Light,


PS here is a post from one of my fav websites repeating this message by encouraging us to be authentic- CLICK HERE